Submitted by Alissa Richmond on the 2016 summer session program in Granada, Spain sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…
This study abroad experience is the first time I have come to Europe and I am lucky enough to get to spend it in the beautiful city of Granada. I am not going to lie, I am the biggest baby there is about traveling without my family. So for me to actually be in SPAIN without them is a big accomplishment! I have so far been really well. We have spent this first week incredibly busy which is amazing. Considering that we are only here for a short period of time we need to see all that we can see while we are here, right?
The first couple of days were really a struggle for me because everything was happening so fast that it was very shocking! The very first day, when we arrived in Spain, from the time we left the United States to the time we finally arrived at our host family’s houses it had probably been a full 24 hours if not more of just straight travel. It was very hectic and nonstop. But since then, my roommate and I, along with the rest of the group, have all been able to get very settled in and comfortable with not only our host families, but also with each other! I am very happy that we have such a small group because we are all becoming so close. I can already tell now, in the first week, that I am coming home with some pretty incredible friends from this program!
I think I can speak for all ten of us in saying that by now we have all pretty much learned most of the city and are managing very well. We have done many tours on top of tours and are learning so much about the culture and the history that is here in Granada. We also just spent a weekend in Barcelona which was very interesting. There are such amazing things to see all over this country and I cannot wait to see what else Spain has to offer us in the upcoming weeks!