Good-bye to Granada, Spain

Submitted by Mackenzie McCracken on the 2016 summer session program in Granada, Spain sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…

My last week in Granada was bittersweet. I was excited to get home to see my family, but I was sad to leave the beautiful place I had been living in for the last month. I can’t believe how fast the time went. I have seen and learned so much about Granada and many other cities. I have also learned a lot about myself and the way of life I am accustomed to in the States. Granada was very hot and most houses and apartments don’t have air conditioning which in the States is unheard of. I realized how much I relied on air conditioning to keep cool. I have enjoyed this program so much and would love to come back and visit Granada again.

We had our final exams and later that night had a farewell dinner with all of our host families to say our good-byes. It was a beautiful place and the food was amazing. I was sad to say good-bye to my host mother since she was so sweet and provided us with everything we needed. Saying good-bye to the people I had spent every day with for the past month was extremely hard. I made great friends and I know I will see them on campus when school starts, but I will miss seeing them every day. I am extremely thankful for this experience and can’t express how much I’ve learned and gained from it.

Students Farewell Mackenzie McCracken 16J Granada Spain DLLC smStudents Host Mother Mackenzie McCraken 16J Granada Spain DLLC sm