Go Hungary!

Submitted by Megan O’Dell on the 2016 summer session program in Budapest, Hungary sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences…

While I touched on the patriotism of Hungary in a previous blog, I witnessed even more patriotism while watching the Hungary vs. Portugal Euro Cup game in a large viewing area. It was so wonderful to see all of the Hungarians cheering for their team. Everyone was dressed in red, white or green, Hungary’s national colors, and chanting along to various cheers.  Even though we were foreigners, the Hungarians were so excited and welcoming as we cheered along with them.

Students at the Hungary vs. Portugal Euro Cup game viewing area holding the Hungarian flag
Students at the Hungary vs. Portugal Euro Cup game viewing area holding the Hungarian flag
The huge crowd at the viewing party watching the game.
The huge crowd at the viewing party watching the game.

During the last week, we also went to see an opera performance at the Hungarian State Opera House. The theater was so beautiful and extravagant. It reminded me of The Academy of Music in Philadelphia. I found it interesting that the performance was in English, but there were subtitles in Hungarian.

Hungarian State Opera House
Hungarian State Opera House