First Week in Budapest, Hungary

Submitted by Megan O’Dell on the 2016 summer session program in Budapest, Hungary sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences…

My first week in Budapest, Hungary was something I never could have imagined. Despite the incredible exhaustion from jet-lag and the not so entertaining introductory lectures, this week has been one of the best in my lives. The students in my program are incredible people and the city of Budapest is one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever seen. We learned about the history of Hungary and European healthcare, among other things. One of the most interesting parts of the week was visiting the Sztehlo Gabor Children’s Home of the Municipality of Budapest. It was also here that I learned of an important tradition in Hungarian culture. In Hungary, it is traditional to offer food and drinks during gatherings and meetings and it is considered rude to deny the food or drinks. One thing that has really amazed me is how easy it is to maneuver through the city. Since being in Europe, I have taken buses, trains, trams and the subway more in one week than I have in my entire life. I also found out that Hungarians pronounce “Budapest” as “budapesht,” with a “-sh” sound instead of “-st” sound at the end. I look forward to seeing more of the city and meeting new people in the days to come.

This is a photograph of the students in my program group. We are holding a banner that the medical students at Simmelweis University made for us, and held up when they picked us up at the airport. We are standing in front of a famous opera house in Budapest.
This is a photograph of the students in my program. We are holding a banner that the medical students at Simmelweis University made for us, and held up when they picked us up at the airport. We are standing in front of a famous opera house in Budapest.