Sushi and Palm Trees in Granada, Spain

Submitted by Evelyn Lopez-Martinez on the 2016 spring semester program in Granada, Spain…

Being away from certain foods for a period of time has been making me crave random things. One of those random foods has been sushi. After asking around and doing some small research, we found Kirin, a restaurant known for it’s delicious sushi. The first impression I had was that it was very fancy. The location was that of an upper scale restaurant. Although, reservations weren’t needed. The roll I ordered satisfied my sushi craving. Since Spain is a great place to eat seafood, the food at this location tasted especially fresh. Even in Granada, I have been able to enjoy things that I usually do at home.

Sushi in Granada Evelyn Lopez-Martinez 16S Granada, Spain sm

One of my favorite things while I walk around Granada is seeing palm trees. Their appearance is simply calming. In the well known Cármen de los Mártires, there’s an abundance of them! I was fortunate to catch the sun one beautiful afternoon and captured this filter-less picture. It was an addition to my album of breathtaking scenery in Granada.Palm trees in Granada Evelyn Lopez-Martinez 16S Granada, Spain sm