Ronda, Spain

Submitted by Sibel Tekmen on the 2016 spring semester program in Granada, Spain…

One of the most amazing things about traveling within Spain is the proximity of cities and towns to one another. Therefore, I have made an effort to plan trips on my weekends to take advantage of this. This weekend, my roommate and I traveled to Ronda, a tiny city in Malaga, to see the “Tajo” and the “Plaza del Toros.” The word “tajo” in Spanish means “deep cut” or “slash,” and Ronda is situated on an enormous gorge with a bridge connecting both sides. From the bridge, one can look down hundreds of meters to the Río Guadlevin. My roommate and I explored the tiny town and took hundreds of photos of the Tajo and the bridge. Ronda is so small that we were able to learn the layout of the town in only a few hours. We also went on a hike that went around and under the Tajo and we saw the waterfall and the canyon of the Tajo.

Tajo bridge in Ronda Sibel Tekmen 16S Granada smRonda view 1 Sibel Tekmen 16S Granada sm



The bullfighting ring was also amazing to see because we felt as if we were sitting in the Colosseum.

Bullfighting ring in Ronda Sibel Tekmen 16S Granada sm

From our hostel, we had a view of the beautiful landscape of Ronda along with an endless sea of white houses. Ronda is such a quaint and tranquil town, and I highly recommend it for its bullfighting history, the natural landscape and its endearing charm!

Ronda view 2 Sibel Tekmen 16S Granada sm