Submitted by Randy Short on the 2016 spring semester program in Tuscany, Italy…
Today after arriving in Tuscany, I began the semester of a lifetime. After arriving in Pisa, we were able to take in the breath-taking landscape of Tuscany. I can only compare it to the hills of Pennsylvania, as Delaware’s flat land has nothing to even come close to compare. I have to say, Tuscany’s hills blow the landscape of anywhere I have visited out of the water. It is easy to see how this is has been the hideout for so many famous people. They can come and feel like they are not surrounded by their neighbors, but surrounded by the beautiful nature of the region.
I have to say that I love SIAF. It’s beautiful inside and out, and I like the modern look for the buildings inside while maintaining the historic Tuscan look on the outside. This is a style that I appreciate. My room is of course lovely, but no one comes to Tuscany for the room!
Volterra was magnificent. The tour of the city was great for a history buff like me! I loved the gate which was more of a symbol for the town than any functioning gate. It shows the great civilizations that have called Volterra home. From the Etruscans to the Romans, each one has added their own mark on the gate, making it their own. I like that idea, that we build off of old ideas. I remember how Suzanne Collins said that she based the Hunger Games off of an ancient Greek tale. I think it makes the story that much deeper.
Visiting the shops, I was able to communicate very well in Italian, so my month and a half of Duolingo worked. I want to continue to grow in my understanding of this beautiful language.