India: The Friendships I Have Made Through Study Abroad

Submitted by Hibatullah Wilson on the 2016 winter session program in India sponsored by the Department of English…

Now that study abroad is over, I have time to look back at all of the fun learning activities I had the privilege to be a part of. During study abroad, it is easy to forget about other people other than you and your group. My study abroad group had 3 guys and 9 girls, so we were a relatively small group compared to other programs. In India (where our program was located), we were around each other almost 24/7. We would eat all of our meals together, we would hang out with each other late at night, we got into playful arguments about things like food and we would even have spa days when we braided each other’s hair and got manicures in the comfort of our hotel rooms. It all seems juvenile, but it is a form of bonding that cannot be replicated. There were days when we got so tired we ended up sleeping on each other’s shoulders- and it was okay. It wasn’t awkward or intrusive. We were comfortable with each other’s company and that is hard to do in a normal school setting.

Now that we are separated and won’t be seeing much of each other, there is definitely an empty void. I thank study abroad for giving me, and my group, the opportunity to tour such a beautiful country and for starting these long lasting friendships. I can’t wait to see where life takes each and every one of us.2 students Hibatullah Wilson 16W India ENGL smGroup in front of a building Hibatullah Wilson 16W India ENGL smGroup in front of Taj Mahal Hibatullah Wilson 16W India ENGL sm