Discovering Cordoba, Spain

Submitted by Nicole Ferrara on the 2016 winter session program in Granada, Spain sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…

Churros and a movie. What could be better on a Friday? Another excursion! But this time to Cordoba. For the entire bus ride, there were olive trees as far as the eye could see and then there were none as we arrived in the city. It was a beautiful weekend in the city as the temperature was in the high 60’s. This was a much better weekend than most had back in America as a blizzard was occurring. We saw all the sites: the Mesquita, the Roman Bridge, the Calahorra Tower, and the Roman Temple. All the architecture in this city shows the mixture of cultures Spain has had throughout history. The Mesquita was a mosque during the Muslim rule, but a cathedral was added during Christian rule so there are not many mosque aspects left. The Roman bridge was clearly made during Roman times, but the Calahorra Tower was made during Muslim rule to protect this bridge. Lastly, the Roman Temple was quite amazing. It amazes me how after all this time, these monuments are still standing and in such wonderful condition. Cordoba shows how the cultures really did mix and how structures were changed. Spain continues to amaze me everyday with it’s beautiful architecture. There is definitely nothing like this in America.

Roman bridge in Cordoba Nicole Ferrara 16W Granada, Spain DLLC sm