Venice, Italy

Submitted by Allison D’Onofrio on the 2016 winter session program in Italy sponsored by the Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science…

Ciao! Now that the jet-lag and the sensory overload has died down, I can reflect on my first week abroad in Italy. My group and I began our program in Venice where we braced the cold and explored the unique city of over a hundred small “islands.” Throughout the three days in Venice, I visited the Doge’s Palace, rode on a gondola and watched a glass blowing demonstration on the Island of Murano.

Venice channel Allison D'Onofrio 16W Italy LING-ENGL sm

Venice sunset Allison D'Onofrio 16W Italy LING-ENGL sm



One of the struggles I have faced when abroad is whether I should try to blend in to the culture here or just embrace the touristy, American vibes I obviously give off when I look completely lost or bump into someone on the streets. I know many basic Italian phrases like ciao, grazie, and scuzi, but I find myself wondering if I should attempt to speak the language or if I come off as a total phony to the locals who can tell I’m an American tourist. I guess I have 3 more cities to figure that out!