Soccer in Costa Rica

Submitted by Haley Zwier on the 2016 winter session program in Costa Rica sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…

After a week in Costa Rica, I have fallen in love with this country! I will never get tired of this perfect weather and of the scenery were every road I travel down I see a different mountain or volcano. The Ticos here are the most welcoming group of people and they make each day here unforgettable. I did not think that I would be able to pick up Spanish as fast as I have and it now feels weird speaking English when I go to class or hang out with the other students from UD. This past weekend, we toured San Jose and learned all the cultural aspects of the city and how this country came about. One of the most exciting things we did was attending 90 Minutos Por La Vida in Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica, (ninety minutes for life in the National Stadium) which is a charity soccer event where the four main teams of Costa Rica play to raise money for childhood cancer. I have been to professional sports games before, but this was unlike anything I have ever seen, we were not even allowed to bring coins into the game because of how strong soccer rivalries are down here. I love sports games and it was so much fun being able to experience it in another country. I am very excited for our next few excursions this week to Alajuela, Orosi Valley and the Irazu Volcano and I can’t wait to see what the rest of Costa Rica has to offer!!

National Stadium Haley Zwier 16W Costa Rica DLLC sm