Submitted by Delaney Argo on the 2016 winter session program in Costa Rica sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…
It’s only the middle of my second week here in Heredia, Costa Rica but I feel like I’ve been here for so much longer. Although life here is different from life back home, I’ve already gotten used to it and I’ll definitely miss it when I return to the States. Yes, there’s McDonalds and Pizza Hut and Walmart, but nothing beats the local markets and the home cooked meals. The people here are so incredibly relaxed all the time, and I’ve realized Americans are generally rushed and stressed. The Costa Rican saying is “pura vida”, which literally means “pure life”, but it’s used to say that everything’s good or nothing’s a problem. I’ve heard people say it everywhere – from soccer games to markets, schools, bars, churches, even on tours and during bus rides. Everyone in my group has adopted the saying, and I can only hope we all continue to live “la pura vida” when we return home.