Exploring Panama City

Submitted by Anthony Zdrojewski on the 2016 winter session program in Panama sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…

Over the past week, I have had several unforgettable experiences. In particular, I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities to learn more about Panamanian culture. During the school week, I have learned about the culture of Panama and about the Spanish language through my interactions with my host family, professors and classmates. However, the most interesting and formative experiences I have had have occurred during the weekend. Up to this moment, my favorite experience was attending a soccer game played by Panama’s national team. Even though I am not a big soccer fan, I was very impressed to see the passion that the people of Panama have for the sport of soccer and for their country. One Panamanian tradition took me by surprise: after a goal, everyone throws their beers directly into the air. While I didn’t expect to experience these beer showers, I was lucky enough to experience them four times during the course of the game!

Soccer game Anthony Zdrojewski 16W Panaam DLLC sm

Another great experience I had on Sunday, was while exploring the historical section of Panama City. In particular, I was looking for two very old Churches La Iglesia San Jóse  and la Catedral Basílica de Santa Maria la Antigua. The former is famous for its golden altar, which was supposedly almost stolen by the famous pirate Henry Morgan. The other church is even more significant, however, since it is the church of the patron of Panama. Because the majority of Panama is Catholic, these sites have an enormous historical and cultural importance. The majority of my navigation to these churches was done on foot, and so I had to stop and ask for directions several times (in Spanish, of course!). The people that I stopped to ask for directions were very eager to help, and happy to share their historical treasures with me.  I came away from this experience very impressed by the cultural treasures of Panama, as well as the amiability of its people.

Catedral Basílica de Santa Maria la Antigua
Catedral Basílica de Santa Maria la Antigua
Panama City