And the Schoolwork is Catching Up…

Submitted by Haley Cohen on the 2014 spring semester study abroad program in London, England…

It’s crazy to believe that I have been in London for over a month already, but the amount of school work I have piling up is a clear indicator that I have been here for quite a while.  This past week has been devoted to my academics with midterms and spring break right around the corner, I have been very busy writing papers, making presentations, and conducting research for my various field studies and assignments.  So I really don’t have anything too exciting to report for this week!  However, with Valentine’s Day at the end of the week, my roommates and I have planned a fun day of stuffing our faces with chocolates and macaroons from Harrods, and we might even treat ourselves to a nice meal out for a change…depending on how much chocolate we eat.  Then, this weekend I have a quick little getaway planned in Edinburgh with two of my roommates.  I’m excited for our train ride there! Even though it is a little over a  4 hour ride to get there, it definitely beats my 8+ hour trek to Paris a few weekends ago, and it’s supposed to be a beautiful ride.