
 Submitted by Carolyn Jones on  the 2013 fall semester exchange program with the Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality…

Although I have yet to experience a real snowfall in Switzerland, the mountain tops have become snow capped from the colder days these past few weeks. We saw a few light flakes fall the other afternoon, but they only stuck on the trees that are higher up the mountains. We are hoping to see it on our level before our departure date arrives, but viewing it from afar is still breathtaking. It is almost as if the elevation creates different climates on the mountains, so it is not only beautiful, but also fascinating to see how different villages, only a few miles apart, experience different weather. My friends and I have been paying more attention to the now familiar scenery because we know we will be leaving it soon. I wish I could take mental images of everything that I have seen here because I know viewing it in photos will not be the same. The changing beauty of the landscape has also inspired very reflective conversations amongst my friends; although we are becoming excited to return home, it is hard to believe our time here will be ending so soon.

The emotions have been mixed this week because before we can be sad about leaving, we first have to get through exams and the gala dinner. It is organized chaos this week because the dinner will be taking place next Wednesday and Friday. We will be serving on Wednesday and cooking Friday. Although it is nerve-racking, I am so excited to show the guests everything that we have learned this semester.

Despite the growing pressure, we managed to fit in an excursion this weekend with a trip to Lucerne. It was immaculately clean and beautiful like the rest of Switzerland, so we spent the day enjoying the views and sampling sweets from various chocolate shops. It was relaxing and a nice getaway before this week. We also went on a field trip to a 5 star hotel in Flims. We toured the outrageously beautiful property and oohed and aahed at the numerous restaurants and banquet rooms.