From Argentina to Uruguay

Submitted by Alexandra DiDonato on the 2013 fall semester program in Buenos Aires, Argentina…

Last weekend our group took a ferry across the Río de la Plata and arrived in Uruguay! We spent the night in Montevideo and then spent the next two days in the historic town of Colonia.

Montevideo is the capital city in Uruguay and it reminded me a lot of Buenos Aires. Breathtaking architecture,a relaxed life -style of the natives, and a beautiful coast are a few similarities. One thing I was caught off guard by once we arrived was the use of the “tú” form to mean “you”. It had been awhile since I heard anyone say that, since I’ve become so accustomed to the Argentine “vos” form!

Palacio Salvo in Montevideo
Relaxing walk near the coast

The last two days were spent in Colonia, another beautiful coastal town with loads of history.

Ruins of the 17th century Convent of San Francisco
Some street performers in Colonia

Even though Uruguay wasn’t a drastic change from what we were used to in Buenos Aires, our time there was definitely a nice change from the hustle and bustle of Buenos Aires.

Even the dogs know how to take it easy!