Beginning with Good-byes

Submitted by Carolyn Jones on the 2013 fall semester exchange program with the Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality…

So here it goes…my first post marking the beginning of my adventure in Switzerland. I have spent many hours this summer daydreaming about what it will be like, but truthfully I have no idea what I am getting myself into. The one thing I do know is that I can expect a lot of firsts…my first time in Switzerland, my first time in a foreign country by myself, and my first time away from home for four months. But before I am able to take off and embark on this new journey, I have to put an end to the one I am currently on. This summer has been a whirlwind of scrambling to get ready, working to attempt to actually fund this trip, and squeezing in time to see friends and loved ones before I go. The realization that I am leaving next Friday finally set in this week. Work has finally wound down, my friends from college have visited and are preparing to start the new school year without me, and my last weekend home has finally arrived. After finishing work for the day I found myself parked on my couch wondering if I was more panicked or excited…

In an attempt to do something mindless, I opened up my facebook page and was greeted with a message from the mother of one of my best friends. Ironically, she spends much of her time in Switzerland throughout the year for work. The message was a sweet little note from her telling me to check my mailbox. The moment felt very fairytale-esque, and right away I dashed to my mailbox. (Might I add while almost slipping down the hill in my front yard thanks to the wet grass and my frenzied self.) In the mailbox, I found a very sweet note of encouragement and guidance, along with a book meant to help me learn all about Switzerland. I am not sure if there is an adjective that can accurately describe how I felt, but needless to say it inspired me to write my first post.

This blog is intended to help me reflect on my time away, as well as an opportunity to invite anyone interested to come along with me. The past few weeks I have been dreading all of the necessary good-byes that will take place before I leave, but now I know they are just temporary. I will carry everything I have learned here with me to Switzerland and continue to develop these relationships along with the new ones that are sure to form. I know I will come back as a new version of myself, and finally I am ready and excited to become that person.