
 Submitted by Abigail Conklin on the 2013 spring semester study abroad program in Granada, Spain…

Last week was a standard week, except, we received another special guest. We were joined by Prof. Jonathan Bloom who gave a presentation about the some of the special touches in and from the mosque in Córdoba. We were also lucky enough to have him join us for our trip to Córdoba on Friday. We did a lot of walking and it was really sunny outside. The Mezquita was enormous and vast and filled with other tourists.  Professor Bloom was able to provide us with detailed explanations based on his expertise. I know some of the other students who are studying Arabic and Islamic studies were very excited to be able to ask Prof. Bloom questions. We were able to visit a museum and given a personal tour by the director. It was dedicated to the recovery and restoration of an ancient kingdom in Córdoba. It was really interesting to see all the work they’ve accomplished and to think about how they pieced things together without reference. It was really interesting and it was another beautiful city!

Cordoba Abigail Conklin 13S Granada smExterior of Mezquita de Cordoba Abigail Conklin 13S Granada smInterior 2 Mezquita Cordoba Abigail Conklin 13S Granada smPlaza Cordoba Abigail Conklin 13S Granada smGeraniums Cordoba Abigail Conklin 13S Granada smMuseum Cordoba Abigail Conklin 13S Granada sm