Meeting more Danes

Submitted by Christina Conte on the 2013 spring semester DIS (Denmark’s International Study Program) program in Copenhagen, Denmark…

This week was one of the quickest ones yet in Copenhagen!  This Wednesday I had a very interesting field study for my Leadership Across Cultures course.  Our task was to go out to the different neighborhoods in Copenhagen and ask random people their thoughts on American culture.  It was definitely an uncomfortable experience at first, but luckily I found that most Danes were very friendly and excited to  share their thoughts on America.  Over the weekend, I had the chance to attend a formal at a kollegium, which is the closest equivalent to a residence hall in the U.S.  It was a cool opportunity to meet other students from my programs as well as Danes my age!  This weekend I also went for a second visit to the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum, which was even cooler the second time around as I discovered the French painting exhibit.  I am taking a 1-credit course on Impressionism in Paris, which culminates in a study tour to Paris in April, so it was a great opportunity to start familiarizing myself with many of the artists I will be studying in the upcoming months!