Last Days in Cape Town

Submitted by April Ingenito on the 2013 winter session study abroad program in South Africa sponsored by the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice and the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics…

I’m sad to say our last day is finally here!  It has been an incredible time here in Cape Town.  Last Sunday, we took a tour of the Cape of Good Hope which was amazing and then we went to Boulder Beach and hung out with penguins!  That was quite an experience.  We also got to climb Table Mountain, one of the Seven Wonders of Nature.  The views were absolutely spectacular!!  It felt like I was on top of the world.  Most of the week was spent finishing up our projects and journals for our classes, but we got to squeeze in a tour of Robben Island.  It was so cool to see the Maximum Security Prison that housed Nelson Mandela.  We even saw his exact cell!  On Friday, we volunteered at an Eco-village called Lynedoch.  We helped garden and also make sandwiches.  On Saturday, we all enjoyed authentic African cuisine at a restaurant called Moyo where we also enjoyed authentic music and got our faces painted!  On Tuesday night, our last night, we took a sunset cruise and then hung out and had dinner at the waterfront.  It is a bittersweet feeling finishing my last update, but I can’t wait to tell everyone about our amazing trip in more detail!