Notre Dame

Submitted by Stephanie Everitt on the 2013 winter session program in France and Switzerland sponsored by the School of Nursing…

One of the first sights of Paris that one must see is Notre Dame.  Notre Dame is among the oldest churches in history as well as being one of the most visited.  One of the first instructions of our tour guide for Notre Dame was to imagine that we were 11th century peasants.  We learned much about how much power the church held in that time period.  Our tour guide showed us where the priests of Notre Dame lived beside the church.  We learned the differences between the gargoyles and the chimera that sit and guard the church. We learned at the time there was a tax on windows, so having huge stain glassed windows was a main attraction for the church. Most importantly, we learned how the amazing church allowed the 11th century Parisians,  today’s Parisians and anyone who sets eyes on Notre Dame to see and experience God. 

 Here is a picture of the Rose Window of Notre Dame that faces the west so the sun shines through.