Meeting Prolific Musicians in London

Submitted by Ryan Schultz on the 2013 winter session program in London, England sponsored by the Department of Music…


Over the last few weeks I have had the privilege to have met some incredible and prolific people in the music world of London. While trying to figure out what makes London musically so unique, I have received some incredible insight from John Adams, Sir Mark Elder, Norman Lebrecht, and James Shearman. These fine gentlemen were a delight to talk to as they told their stories of their musical journeys that have gotten them to where they are today.

 John Adams is a well-known American composer and conductor of contemporary orchestral music. His compositions have a distinctive style and are fascinating to hear. He is envied throughout London and takes numerous trips to conduct  his compositions with the citie’s finest ensembles. My group had the privilege to sit in on an interview of him and see him conduct the London Symphony Orchestra. We briefly spoke with him after the concert and it was truly a delight. I got a good laugh when  he told us that a button of his suit jacket had flown off while conducting his own piece.

John Adams with 13W London MUSC Students

 Sir Mark Elder is a legendary conductor. He has conducted the very best orchestras all around the world and has certainly made a prolific mark in today’s world of music. My group was able to see him conduct a concert with the London Philharmonic Orchestra and he put on a remarkable performance. After the concert, we were able to meet and speak with him. He was incredibly friendly; giving my group wonderful insights with the hundreds of musical performances each night that one can choose to go to in London. He even signed our concert programs, which I will now cherish forever.

Sir Mark Elder with 13W London MUSC Students

Norman Lebrecht is a prolific and cultural commentator and an award-winning novelist. The wealth of knowledge and information that he receives on a daily basis is incredible. It was such a privilege to listen to the fascinating stories that he had to share with my group. The historical context of London’s musical background that he spoke of really helped with understanding why classical music has had such a great significance to the city of London.

James Shearman is the Film Score Conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra. He has orchestrated numerous films including Pixar’s Brave. James Shearman was a delight to speak to. He shared his insight on the process of creating  music scores for films and it certainly is not an easy task. Mr. Shearman has had the privilege to work with some of the best composers in the film industry such as John Williams.

Meeting these people was an honor for me because they have all made big differences in today’s world of music. The wealth of knowledge they shared will always be treasured as I find my purpose and career path within music. This trip certainly has been a once in a lifetime experience. Not only was I able to attend performances of the finest orchestras in the United Kingdom and in the world, but I was able to meet those that currently or once worked with these stunning groups of musicians.