International Corporations

Submitted by Tiana Sidawi on the 2013 winter session program in Geneva, Switzerland sponsored by the the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics…


The past two weeks we have visited St. Gallens University where we were given a tour of the university and learned all about the importance of organizational management in firms and that there is usually a disparity in work culture satisfaction between upper management and the rest of the employees. We also learned the differences in Swiss universities and American universities such as semester lengths, requirements to get in, the cost of education, and the employment rate. This week we went to Barcelona where we discovered paella and tapas! We visited La Sagrada Familia, the world famous church in Barcelona, as well as Las Ramblas. We visited Gore and DuPont where we were given presentations on each company’s core values, work cultures, and an understanding of the products and services they offer. At Gore, we were even given a tour of a textile factory and got to see firsthand some of the tests the fabrics undergo. Over all, it was a great two weeks with lots of educational visits and new cultural experiences!