Classes in Mexico

 Submitted by Samantha Kerr-Vanderslice on the 2013 spring semester program in Puebla-Cholula, Mexico…

Because our first week was full of fun activities planned for us everyday, beautiful weather, and no work, it seemed more like a vacation than a studying abroad program.  On Monday we had our first classes, and we suddenly remembered that we were, in fact, here to learn things.  For some strange reason, UDLAP has a very short Drop/Add period: 3 days.  That’s right. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and that’s it.  Unfortunately, Jake and I have had some problems with the person who decides our course equivalencies at University of Delaware. However, I was able to finalize my schedule after only three trips to the international office.


I am now taking 3 Spanish language classes, an Art History class, and a Contemporary World History class (all in Spanish).  It’s a bit overwhelming.  I had to switch out of the first Art History class I tried to take because the professor was speaking Spanish with a French accent, and from what I could gather, was speaking about Kant in regards to art.  I KANT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING SHE’S SAYING! I thought cleverly to myself.  But seriously, I cannot wait until I can understand when people talk at a normal rate.  I can tell that my History professor is funny because everyone in my class laughs a lot, but I have no idea what he’s saying, so I just laugh quietly and hope he doesn’t ever call on me.

See the American flag? I speak American.

Anyway, aside from classes making me want to cry a little on the inside, life is good here in Mexico.  My host family is great and lives very close to UDLAP, so I get to walk to school. Continuing the tradition!  Their house is also very yellow, which makes me happy.


My host family consists of Arcelia (my mamá), Guillermo (my papá), Alejandro (or Ale, 23 year old brother), and Daniel (or Dani, my 21 year old brother).  I have also met Guillermo’s mother and his brother’s family, all of whom are also very nice.  Arcelia loves to chat, so I get plenty of practice with my speaking when I’m with her.  I still have trouble with some words, so I tend to take about 5 minutes to say something that should take 10 seconds.  This morning, I was trying to say that I heard a bird whose call sounded just like the whistle guys make for pretty girls.  Here’s the approximate translation: I was walking and I heard a bird that had a noise…that made noises, what’s that called? Song! Right. Ok I heard a bird that had a song and it was very similar to…(don’t know how to say whistle)…the noises that men make with their mouth when they see a girl who is pretty on the street.  Like (insert whistle).  

 They got it eventually.

 Also in big news, I bought a bike! A neighbor was selling some at reasonable prices so I decided to get one.  I have yet to buy a bike lock though, so currently my bike is just hanging out at my house.  Once I get a chain and a HELMET (love you Mumsy) I will be ready to take on the world.