Role Reversal in Spain

Submitted by Emily Bange on the 2012 fall semester program in Granada, Spain…

And now I’m the tour guide….

This week I’m doing a role reversal and going from tourist (sort of) to tour guide. I had the best Thanksgiving ever because my boyfriend arrived to stay with me in Spain for 12 days! I’ve been hoping all along that this would happen, but it was uncertain because Corey’s in the Navy, and the one constant thing about the military is how constantly they change plans on you. But he’s here and I have been taking him all over Granada to see and experience the best part of it in the short time that he has.

We have gone to the Alhambra, which I saw earlier this semester, but have wanted to return to visit again. It is beautiful in November as well, although the gardens are a little less vibrant. We saw two wedding photo shoots while we were there, which was cool, though the brides looked really cold in strapless gowns! My favorite thing to show Corey was the old Arab baths in the Alhambra that have this really fun acoustic effect. If you stand in one corner and whisper into the spot where the wall meets the ceiling, someone standing in one of the other four corners of the room can hear you. Not something that most people visiting the Alhambra know, but our professor showed it to us the last time we were there.

We also went to the real Arab baths, which are amazing spa- like, relaxing places with three pools of different water temperatures, massages, and delicious mint tea! I am a tea fanatic and am as addicted to tea as most college students are to coffee. I hate coffee (I know- you think I’m insane), so I’m thrilled that there are just as many places to drink yummy tea in Granada.

Tomorrow we leave for a weekend in Toledo, so more on that later…