Paris Landmarks

Submitted by Alison McIntyre on the 2012 fall semester program in Paris, France…

Class started last Monday..and I have my first “exposé,” or presentation tomorrow about Coco Chanel. I hope it goes well! This past week, I went to the Museum d’Orsay. Unfortunately, it was raining the day I went and there was a really long line. When my friends and I got inside, it was all worth it. I mainly spent time in the “Impressionistic” wing…so beautiful. I also went for a run along the “Seine” the other day…it was awesome. Yesterday, I visited “L’Assemblée Nationale,” and last night, my friends and I shared baguettes, cheese, and quiches under the Eiffel Tower. Tonight, a Swedish girl came to live in the same home as me. She is going to be here for a month, and I’m looking forward to getting to know her!