
Submitted by Caitlin Baker on the 2012 spring semester program in Granada, Spain…


I recently went to my very first (and probably only!) bullfight. Though bullfighting season usually doesn’t begin until June here in Granada there was a special event in early May that was held as a fundraiser for Downs syndrome.

The fight consisted of six different matadors who each faced off against a bull. It was a unique experience to sit among the crowded stands with other Spaniards and witness their passion and excitement as they watched the spectacle. It reminded me of the way Americans can get about baseball or football, although the main attraction is obviously quite different. Once each fight is over, the crowd goes crazy cheering for the matador and waving a white cloth or bag to represent their approval of the torero’s performance. This popular pasttime of Spain is enjoyed by people of all ages and has come to be a cultural symbol of the country.

In my opinion bullfighting is a little difficult to watch at times (my heart goes out to the bull!), but I am at least grateful that I got to experience something that is so inherent to Spain´s heritage.