The Great Outdoors in Granada

Submitted by Caitlin Baker on the 2012 spring semester program in Granada, Spain…


The arrival of March has brought an exciting air to Granada. The beautiful weather is warming up the city, both literally and metaphorically. There is an abundance of sun here that makes being outside and out and about extremely enjoyable. The many restaurants and cafes are filled with people taking in the sun in the outside seating areas. There are musicians who wander the streets and plazas playing and promoting their music. The local park draws lots of sunbathers and people reading on benches. It reminds me of the way Main Street and the Green become filled with people at the first sight of good weather at UD. I spent this past weekend just hanging around Granada, taking advantage of all the things I described above. Traveling to different places is always fun and exciting but Granada´s atmosphere makes spending a weekend here, “at home”, just as nice!

Parque Frederico Garcia Lorca