Sending Postcards From….

Submitted by Kristen Dempsey on the 2012 spring semester program in London, England…


Colosseum in Rome by Kristen Dempsey

Visits to Italy, Wales, and Dover have made up my past three weekends! Italy was extremely beautiful and warm which made coming home to London a bit of a wake up call because of the cold and rain. First we traveled to Rome and saw the Colosseum which was my favorite part of Rome! Then we traveled to Venice, which was colder, but still beautiful. I never realized how many people actually travel by boat! Come to think of it, that’s really all they could travel by. Gondolas and glass were the big things in Venice which was so cool. I saw a glass blowing demonstration which was one of the highlights of the Venice trip.

The next weekend we went to Wales and it, too, was warm! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing ruins and a Roman amphitheater. It was beautifully green, and everything smelled of spring and nature. I loved it!

This past Saturday, we traveled to Dover to see the castle and the White Cliffs. It was a fantastic time, although rainy. Dover Castle was huge! The grounds covered 17 acres, and secret tunnels were spread throughout. One of my favorite parts was taking a tour through the tunnels that were used during the Second World War. They had everything set up like what it would have looked like during the war. So interesting!

All in all it’s been a great few weeks!

Dover Castle by Kristen Dempsey