At Home in Granada

Submitted by Jaclyn Roman on the 2012 spring semester program in Granada, Spain…



Another week in the books of my Granada adventure. I’ve realized that the days in class do not necessarily pass quickly, but I find myself glancing back at a week’s events in a haze. Classes are now in full swing as is the added responsibility of being a student. Every day on my way to class, I pass the same group of students socializing outside school, young children clinging to their mothers before they have to say goodbye for the day, and a man pushing his baby in a stroller. The regularity of my routine has made Granada feel even more like home; I’m now attached to the city.

I began volunteering at an elementary school here in the city this past Tuesday. I ride the bus to a neighborhood in the northern part of Granada and aid a first grade classroom in subjects varying from math to gym class. Of course, along with the teacher, I encourage them to speak bits of English such as days of the week and other basic vocabulary.  At first I was nervous to start at the school for fear of how the students would accept me into their classroom. Much to my surprise, they are the sweetest, most open group of children. The teacher I help is also fantastic, and she effortlessly gains the attention of the class and spreads warmth throughout the room.

The nerves are finally beginning to subside as I have come to realize just how special the people are that make up the culture of Granada. I rarely feel embarrassed to speak, even if I am not completely sure of the vocabulary I use  to communicate. Everyone is willing to help me with my goal of mastering the language – whether it be a professor, my host mother, the children in my classroom, or even the ticket collector at the local movie theatre.

Even the weather suggests spring is within reach as I’m becoming more and more grounded in this very special corner of the world.