Discovering the World Through GIS

GIS Day provides an international forum for users of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology to demonstrate real-world applications that are making a difference in society. Join the University of Delaware’s Library, IT Client Support Services, Department of Geography, Delaware Geological Survey, Delaware T2 Center, Disaster Research Center, and Water Resources Center for a celebration of GIS. Throughout the event speakers, faculty, staff and students, will discuss a wide variety of topics presented as a lightning talk or poster.  


IT Client Suppport & Services, Library Museums & Press, Dept of Geography, Dept of History, Delaware Geological Survey, Delaware T2 Center, and Esri.


Location: Perkins Gallery, University of Delaware

When: Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Time: 9:30 am – 3:00 pm

*Poster ContestNew this year! The poster with the most votes will win a $50 Amazon gift card. All participants who vote for the posters, may also enter for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card. The poster contest will take place in the morning between 9:30-10:30 am. Winners will be announced at the end of the Lightning talks.


9:30AM – 10:30AM | Poster Session & Contest with networking & continental breakfast 

10:30AM – 12:15PM | Lightning Talks & announcement of poster winner

12:15PM – 12:45PM | Lunch

12:45PM – 3:00PM | Mapathon 

A Mapathon is an event where volunteers from all backgrounds work together to add digital data to maps in areas of need. We map with OpenStreetMap, a free and open online mapping tool. Mapping with OpenStreetMap is a great way to contribute to international humanitarian aid without leaving your room! We map anywhere in the world but give priority to areas in need of disaster relief. At this event we will choose a project to focus on, to be announced. Last year we mapped in Tanzania to benefit AIDs prevention and treatment programs administered by PEPFAR and contributed over 1,000 edits! To map, all you need is a laptop and an Internet connection. OpenStreetMap is easy to learn, no mapping experience is necessary. Please bing your laptop but if you do not have a laptop, there will be several laptops available from the University to borrow for this event.

Time Presenter Presentation Description
 10:30am Tracy DeLiberty, Associate Professor, Department of Geography Opening
 10:35am Mike Townshend, Application Delivery, Department of Technology and Information
State of Delaware
Demonstrating how Data Scientists and Analysts can use ArcGIS in Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter Notebooks are used in a wide array of scientific disciplines including machine learning, analytics, and even geospatial analysis.  

This presentation will be a brief overview of the ArcGIS API for Python, Jupyter Notebooks and how you can start using them.

 10:45am Kathryn Gifford, Assistant Policy Scientist, Center for Community Research and Service Geographic Variation in Contraceptive Selection among Medicaid-enrolled Women in Delaware Despite its small size, Delaware has significant demographic difference throughout its nineteen Primary Care Service Areas (PCSA) in terms of racial diversity & rural-urban status and other characteristics.  The objective of this research was to understand how rural-urban differences and other population characteristics that affect contraceptive choices will contribute to initiatives intended to reduce unintended pregnancy rates, using data from 2012-2014.  Data is only reported (or mapped) for primary care service areas with at least 11 women with the type of claim reported, which is why some PCSAs are N/A.  Without adjusting for individual client differences, it appears that among LARC methods, implant is more preferred in rural areas, IUD in urban areas.   After adjusting for client demographics and selected PCSA characteristics, women in urban areas had significantly higher odds of an IUD and significantly lower odds of an implant, but the magnitude of this effect decreased from 2012 to 2014.   This data is from a time period (2012-2014) prior to the initiation of a public-private partnership intended to increase access to all contraceptive methods.  Understanding the historical time period will be critical to evaluating the extent of any changes that occurred as a result of the intervention. 
 10:55am Rusty Lee, Ph. D, Deputy Director University Honors Program, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Core Faculty, Disaster Research Center Director, Delaware T2 Center GIS Projects and Interns The talk will focus on the variety of projects the T2 Center has undertaken in the past and how we utilize student interns. projects to be discussed include asset inventories and pavement assessments at UD; asset inventories for Delaware communities; and organizing and mapping DelDOT’s Municipal Agreements.
 11:05am James Highberger, MPA Research Associate University of Delaware Center for Drug and Health Studies Delaware Opioid Metric Intelligence Project The Delaware Opioid Metric Intelligence Project displays overdose death rates in the state of Delaware from 2013-2017 at different geographic levels. Using ArcGis Online Story Map feature, this information can be displayed in an easy to understand manner.
 11:15am Robert Ddamulira, Graduate student, Energy and Environmental Policy Oil, people and the environment A spatial analysis and synthesis of how oil development is changing forest ecology and socio-economic livelihoods in Uganda’s Albertine Rift.
 11:25am Ridge Waddell, Education Account Manager at ESRI Evolving GIS Education This talk will be about the evolution of the GIS education landscape and what that means for us as educators due to the constantly changing and evolving “geo” technologies.  Most people would agree this change can present challenges for educators and learners but one person’s challenge is another person’s opportunity to grow their skillsets and explore new ways the technology can help solve both old and new problems.
 11:35am Andrew Homsey, Water Resources, UD The Future is Now: Embracing Online Mapping Change is inherent in the nature of things. Humans, however, often hew to well-worn paths and habits of mind. The revolution in interconnected geospatial knowledge (aka Online GIS) began decades ago but has really begun to live up to its full potential only in the last five years or so. This transformational revolution, related to, but extending, the digital revolution, has become so pervasive so quickly that we barely even notice its effects today. This is a brief, personal case study in trying to overcome inertia and embrace this bright future.
 11:45am Jacob Fulkerson, Army Geospatial Center, Washington DC Mapping Cemeteries using ESRI Story Maps  In 2011, Arlington National Cemetery approached the United States Army Corps of Engineers Army Geospatial Center for assistance with identifying ways to collect, manage and create work flows for cemetery data. The primary goal was to streamline and modernize the cemetery’s overall operations and accountability processes and streamline audit processes. Using multiple mapping technologies and personnel, they created GPS coordinates for each headstone, memorial, and monument with an estimated accuracy of 10 cm (3.9 inches). This meticulous gathering of information – including geo-located photographs of the front and back of each headstone – served a solemn purpose. Prior to this project, there was no way for the general public to directly find a singular headstone and doing so often required extensive research by Arlington personnel. This project has also revolutionized the way the cemetery interacts with its millions of visitors, both at the cemetery and virtual visitors using the ANC Explorer Web and mobile applications.
 11:55am John Stevenson, Associate Librarian and Head, Multimedia Collections and Services Department Library, Museums, and Press Using PolicyMap to Support Research From politicians to concerned parents, using ArcGIS online allows organizations to serve multiple audiences with one single application.  
 12:05pm Troy Saltiel, Undergraduate student, Earth, Ocean, and Environment Mapathon: Using OpenStreetMap to Benefit Humanitarian Aid Learn more about UD’s second annual Mapathon, taking place directly after lunch. A Mapathon is an event where volunteers from all backgrounds work together to add digital data to maps in areas of need. We map with OpenStreetMap, a free and open online mapping tool. Mapping with OpenStreetMap is a great way to contribute to international humanitarian aid from anywhere in the world. Last year we mapped in Tanzania to benefit AIDs prevention and treatment programs administered by PEPFAR and contributed over 1,000 edits! This year we will map a section on the DR of the Congo and Uganda border to benefit Ebola relief teams. From the project description: “There is a severe lack of up-to-date and detailed maps of this area available to those involved in the fight to contain the outbreak.” Please visit the ‘Mapathon’ tab on the GIS Day page for more information.
 12:10pm Olena Smith, Lead GIS Consultant, IT-Client Support & Services Closing Remarks GIS services offered by IT-CSS; Poster contest winners announced; drawing for door prizes.