File Formats for GIS | Name | Description |
Vector Data | ||
.kml | Google KML File | Is a XML-based plaintext file that may contain geometry, data, or a pointer to a web service |
.kmz | Compressed KML | Same as above, but compressed. You can uncomrpess this with 7zip (free/open) and you will see plaintext KML |
.gpx | GPS data file | XML-based GPS data file, usually coming from a GPS device. |
.gdb | File Geodatabase (Directory) | Esri File Geodatabase can be used to store vector and raster data as well as more complex data containing topologies, and other supporting files. The File Geodatase is a directory, which contains many files which can not be read on their own |
.mdb | Personal Geodatabase/MS Access Database | Esri Personal Geodatabase format |
.sqlite | Sqlite/Spatialite Database | Extension is optional for this format, but is often .sqlite. Spatialite is an an extenion to sqlite which spatialally enables it. This format is often used with QGIS. |
Shapefile | Has traditionally been the “standard” vector format for ArcGIS. Is actually a collection of files, not a single file, all in the same directory, with the same file base name (the name without the extension). When viewed in an ArcGIS filesystem dialog, is usually displayed as a single file. | |
.shp | Shapefile | Main file that stores the data geometry. Sometimes somewhat confusingly refered to a as a shapefile. |
.shx | Shapefile index file | Shapefile index file |
.dbf | Shapefile data file | Shapefile data file which stores attribute data. It’s actually a tabular format called dBASE, which can be read on its own, in other programs. |
.prj | Shapefile projection file | (Optional) Stores spatial reference and projection metadata. It’s a plaintext file that can be read on its own. |
Other shapefile supporting files | Shapefiles can also include many other file formats such as .xml, .sbn, .sbx, etc., which are often used for indexes or some other metadata | |
.E00 | ArcInfo Coverage | A legacy file format |
Raster Data | ||
.tif, .tfw | TIFF and TIFF World File, GeoTIFF | Uncompressed image data which, when associated in a directory with a tfw (“world file”) of the same file basename, is a GeoTIFF, georeferenced image. |
.jp2, .jpw, .jpx | JPEG 2000 | Compressed image data often georeferenced. Sometimes includes an associated jpw (“world file”) of the same basename (see .tfw for info). .jpx can contain additional metadata. |
.jpg | JPEG | Lossy compressed image data which, when associated in a directory with a jpw (“world file”) of the same file basename, is a GeoJPEG, georeferenced image. |
.png | Ping, Portable Network Graphic | Non-georeferenced lossless compressed image data which, when associated in a directory with a pgw (“world file”) of the same file basename, is a GeoJPEG, georeferenced image. |
ArcInfo ASCII Grid | Directory-based | |
.asc | ASCII grid | A grid file in plaintext (ASCII) format |
.bnd | Grid Boundary file | The extent/boundary metadata for the grid |
.hdr | Grid Header file | Grid metadata such as cell size |
.sta | Grid Statistics file | Grid cell statistics |
.vat | Grid attribute table | The equivalent of a grid attribute table, for integer grids only. Stores attributes based on zones. |
Tabular | ||
.dbf | dBASE data file | Is often associated with a shapefile (see above), but is sometimes standalone tabular data which can be opened in older versions of Excel or Access. |
.csv | comma delimited file | Plaintext tabular data delimited by comma. Can sometimes be directly improted (e.g., QGIS, ArcGIS). |
.xls | Excel file | MS Excel data/spreadsheet format. Can be directly read into some programs (e.g., ArcGIS) but is sometimes buggy. |
.txt | text file | Plaintext, often delimited with tabs, commas, pipes, or semi-colons. Can sometimes be directly imported, but will often need to be translated to a native tabular format for the software being used (e.g., dbf) |
GIS Program Files | These do not contain data, only configuration information | |
.qgs | QGIS project | Similar to ArcGIS mxd .. Saved workspace configuration (a “map”) including pointers to layer data, symbology, data frame properties, and layout properties, as well as other miscellenous settings |
ArcGIS | ||
.mxd | Map Document | Saved workspace configuration (a “map”) including pointers to layer data, symbology, data frame properties, and layout properties, as well as other miscellenous settings |
.mxt | Map Template | Contains settings that would normally be made to a map document, but for reuse in new map documents |
.lyr | Layer File | Symbology settings for a data layer. If name is the same as a related data source in the same directory, will automatically display |
.loc | Locator File | Used for geocoding (Addresses) |