News, events, and announcements for the UD GIS community, September 2013


  • We haven’t been sending out department/individual reminders about renewing geospatial licenses, so let it be known: If you have not already done so, please visit the Request for Service – IT Software Licenses webform to renew your geospatial software for FY 2013-14.  If you’re not sure if you’ve done this you probably haven’t!  For ENVI we NO seats purchased.  For ArcGIS we have 11 seats purchased for Delaware Geological Survey, 1 seat purchased for Geography, and 1 seat purchased for Institute of Energy Conversion.  For ERDAS IMAGINE, we have only seats purchased by Geography.  We pay an annual fee to continue to use the software, which is reflected in the “prices” we charge.  If no seats are purchased IT will be forced to no longer renew the license.  If you do not pay for the software you’re using, you’ll be forcing the cost onto other departments in the form of higher prices.
  • Esri is now offering SpatiaLabs at no additional cost, as part of our campus site software license.  From Esri: “SpatiaLABS use current mapping technology and visualization tools to help students see real-world applications of the concepts and skills they are studying.”  The labs applications are well reviewed and come with data.  Many folks in higher ed settings are using these labs to supplement their classes.  I’ve posted the material to
  • FEMA is partnering with IT CS&S to hold a 4 day workshop at UD on their disaster loss modeling tool, HAZUS.  Please contact me for more information.
  • Our geospatial learning survey results tell us that you would like to learn more about temporal GIS and spatial databases.  With the new version of ArcGIS 10.2, we are also hoping to give an updated training (which we haven’t done in a while). We will be holding these workshops over the coming year.  Please let us know if you’d like to let you know when dates are posted.
  • Our last UD GIS update was not sent to UD IT Pros so as not to distract from other responsibilities during the security breach.  If you missed it, you can view that here.

Recent UD GIS Blog posts

Data Updates


  • 11/2/13: HigherEdCamp Philly, an unconference for emerging technology in higher education, will be held at Arcadia University, Glenside, PA
  • ArcGIS 10.2 Workshop, Date TBA
  • Spatial Database Workshop, Date TBA
  • Time Enabled Workshop, Date TBA
  • 7/8-7/11/2014: 11th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Kellogg Conference Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan


As always, please let me know if you have any questions or ideas that you’d like to discuss