On Tuesday, August 18, from 10am-11:30am, UD GIS will host a coffee hour via Zoom.

The Zoom link will become active on the day of the meeting.


– GIS presentation by Feng Qi (see details below)
– GIS software for 2020-2021
– GIS workshop Fall 2020
– GIS Day 2020
– Roundtable discussion


Title: Geospatial analysis for infectious disease research: a case study on influenza and reflections on COVID-19

Description: The presenter will first share with the audience her past research on spatiotemporal analysis of human space-time activities for a micro-scale influenza transmission study. The study used AGPS devices to collect data on student trajectories during the flu season on an urban university campus. Spatiotemporal processing and visualization methods were developed to derive spatiotemporal patterns. The study revealed transmission hotspots on the university campus and provided recommendations for control and prevention strategies during the flu season.

Directly related to this influenza study and relevant to the current COVID-19 crisis is the topic of contact tracing. The presenter will discuss issues on this regards and also survey the various ways the geospatial community are making contributions to COVID-19 research, including building real-time dashboards and interactive maps for public awareness, characterizing human mobility patterns and trends, detecting COVID-19 hotspots, simulating and modeling the spread and impacts of COVID-19, measuring spatial accessibility to healthcare resources, and identifying vulnerable populations and high-risk settings.




Feng Qi, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Environmental and Sustainability Sciences,
Kean University