Information Technologies

Wireless Computing at the University of Delaware

Section: Information Technology Policies
Policy Name: Wireless Computing at the University of Delaware
Policy Owner: Executive Vice President
Responsible University Office: Information Technologies
Origination Date: May 10, 2002
Revisions: July 1, 2005
Legacy Policy Number: 1-20
  1. PREAMBLEThe University of Delaware provides wireless access to computing and information resources for students, faculty, and staff, within institutional priorities and financial capabilities. Wireless networks operate on a shared and finite airspace spectrum. Information Technologies will regulate this airspace to ensure its fair and efficient allocation and to prevent collision, interference, and failure.

    Accidental or intentional disruption of a wireless network will deprive others of access to important University resources. Persons using wireless devices to connect to the University network must comply with Policy for Responsible Computing at the University of Delaware, Legacy Policy 1-14.

    Information Technologies will approach the shared use of the wireless radio frequency in the same way that it manages the shared use of the wired network. Users may not provide network services that will interfere with the University network. IT reserves the right to restrict the use of wireless devices on campus.

    1. The University reserves the rights to limit, restrict, or extend access to the wireless airspace on campus.
    2. Any person operating a wireless device that interferes with existing central network services or overloads the network will be notified and steps will be taken to protect the overall University network. This may include disconnecting the offending computer device from the network until the problem is resolved. If the condition is an imminent hazard to the University network or disrupts the activities of others, then the offending computer may be disconnected without prior notice.
    3. Any person attaching a wireless device to the University network is responsible for the security of the computer device and for any intentional or unintentional activities from or to the network pathway that the device is using. Users and system administrators must all guard against abuses that disrupt or threaten the viability of all systems. Access to information resources without proper authorization from the data owner, unauthorized use of University computing facilities, and intentional corruption or misuse of information resources are direct violations of the University’s standards for conduct as outlined in the University of Delaware Policy Manual, the Personnel Policies and Procedures for Professional and Salaried Staff, the Faculty Handbook, University collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Guide to University Policies and may also be considered civil or criminal offenses under Title 11, 931-941 of the Delaware Code, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986, or other appropriate laws.
    4. Implementation

      Appropriate University administrators should adopt guidelines for the implementation of this policy within each unit and regularly revise these guidelines as circumstances, including–but not limited to–changes in technology, warrant. The Vice President for Information Technologies shall, from time to time, issue recommended guidelines to assist departments and units with this effort.