
Professional and Continuing Studies Activities of the University

Section: Academic Policies
Policy Name: Professional and Continuing Studies Activities of the University
Policy Owner: Provost
Responsible University Office: Office of Graduate and Professional Education
Origination Date: February 1, 1980
Revisions: June 5, 1989; April 1, 1996; July 1, 2005
Legacy Policy Number: 1-08
  1. PURPOSETo establish policies and procedures governing the professional and continuing studies activities of the University of Delaware and to designate a body to formulate policies and to advise upon and review the University’s activities in this area.
    1. The Council of Deans shall serve as the policy, advisory and review board for the professional and continuing studies activities.
    2. The heads of the academic units–departments, institutes, divisions and colleges–shall approve and monitor programs conducted in their respective disciplines and are responsible for ensuring their quality. For example, the chairs, directors and deans shall review and approve the curricula of proposed courses and programs to make certain that the offerings are of professional caliber; they shall review and certify the qualifications of regular and off-campus faculty members nominated to instruct in the courses and program; and shall review evaluations submitted by students.
    3. The Division of Professional and Continuing Studies is the operational arm for University of Delaware continuing education, distance learning and special session activities except for those specifically assigned to individual colleges or other units. Except in these latter instances, the Division coordinates University continuing education for the off-campus community and works with and through appropriate academic units to meet selected education needs of adult Delawareans and other nontraditional learners.

      The Division maintains day-to-day liaison with related service units in the University including the Records Office, Accounting, Appointment Processing Office, Controller, Counseling Center, Housing, University Dining Services, Security and others.

      The Division’s operational functions include contacts with prospective clients, needs assessment surveys, publication and marketing of course and program offerings, development and utilization of course evaluation instruments, counseling and advisement of nonmatriculated (CEND) students, and the development of mechanisms and procedures aimed at achieving and maintaining high quality in the professional and continuing studies offerings of the University and assuring their financial viability.