Facilities, Real Estate and Auxiliary Services

Food & Beverage Services Policy for Academic Buildings

Section: Facilities, Real Estate and Auxiliary Services Policies
Policy Name: Food & Beverage Services Policy for Academic Buildings
Policy Owner: Executive Vice President
Responsible University Office: Facilities, Real Estate and Auxiliary Services
Origination Date: January 2, 2002
Revisions: October 1, 2004; March 30, 2007
Legacy Policy Number: 5-23
  1. PURPOSETo set forth the policies for food and beverage services for academic buildings.
  2. POLICYTo preserve the quality of academic facilities for instruction, food, and beverages are not permitted in classrooms.
    1. Catered events should be scheduled in conference and student center rooms designed for this purpose.
    2. If scheduling an event in an academic building is essential to the success of the event, catering will be limited to the following designated areas:
      1. Colburn Lab: First Floor lounge area (CLB 141) or lobbies;
      2.  Ewing Hall: Second Floor near entrance to vending area;
      3. Gore Hall: Rotunda;
      4. McDowell Hall: First Floor lobby facing Old College;
      5. McKinly Lab: Lower level student lounge;
      6. Old College: First and Second floor lobbies;
      7.  Pearson Hall: Main hallway on first floor;
      8. Purnell Hall: First Floor across from PRN 115 near student lounge;
      9. Recitation Hall: First Floor lobby area;
      10. Sharp Lab: Hallway entrance facing the Mall;
      11. Smith Hall: First Floor lobby area;
      12. Willard Hall: First Floor lobby area in front of WHL 006 and 007.

        Reservations for the academic buildings listed above must be made through the Scheduling Office at 831-2114.
    3. The following lobbies are available after 7:00 p.m. on Monday through Thursday, after 5:00 p.m. on Friday, and from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
      1. Gore Hall;
      2. Memorial Hall;
      3. Purnell Hall;
      4. Smith Hall;
      5. Willard Hall.

        The other lobbies noted above in B are available Monday through Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
    4. Exceptions to the areas listed in III. B. must be approved by the Office of Administrative Services. Due to the sensitive nature of instructional equipment, exceptions for catered events in the following rooms will not be granted: Gore 208 and Memorial 110.
    5. When catering is approved for an academic building. It may be necessary to limit the time of day and menu selections and to schedule security to open and close the facility. The individual or department hosting the event will be responsible for any reimbursable costs such as security, custodial services, set-ups or special equipment.
    6. To schedule catered events in department conference rooms or office areas, please contact the appropriate department coordinator for availability and approval.