Campus Safety and Security

Emergency Notification Policy

Section: Campus Safety and Security Policies
Policy Name: Emergency Notification Policy
Policy Owner: Executive Vice President
Responsible University Office: Office of Campus and Public Safety
Origination Date: April 23, 2008
Revisions: May 8, 2012; January 2013
Legacy Policy Number: 7-52
  1. INTRODUCTIONThe University of Delaware is responsible for providing accurate and timely information to the campus community and the public during emergencies. The University is also responsible to students, faculty, and staff when they express concerns about personal safety and security, and consistent with University policies concerning the release of personal information. This Emergency Notification Policy specifies policies and procedures for facilitating the communication of critical emergency information. The policy utilizes the best science and technology available in order to ensure that the University can notify both University and other interested parties of an emergency and provide appropriate direction on how to avoid potential harm.
  2. PURPOSEThe University’s approach to crisis incidents follows the Phases of Emergency Management as addressed in the full University Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and Critical Incident Management Plan (CIMP). These documents can be found online at . This supplemental document builds on the principles found in these documents and is designed to achieve a comprehensive, coordinated approach to communications that will:
    1. Disseminate clear and accurate information to interested constituencies and the public at large.
    2. Assist in the management of crises.
    3. Provide direction to faculty, staff, and students.
    4. Reduce rumor and uncertainty and,
    5. Maintain the institution’s credibility and minimize damage to its reputation.
    1. Urgent message means a message related to an event, expected or unexpected, that threatens life or safety and require immediate action. An urgent message is a message that requires the recipient to react immediately.
    2. Informational message means a message related to a situation that does not present a threat, but as to which the campus community has a right to know. This adheres to the requirements in the Clery Act.
    3. Quick acting tool means a notification tool that can be promptly initiated, take minimal time to deploy and reach a broad audience.
    4. Additional tool means a notification tool that may be time consuming to deploy, take longer to initiate, and have a limited audience.
    1. The process to activate a quick acting tool employs the following work flow:
      1. Situation is identified by a University Department/Unit.
      2. Situation is related to Public Safety or Communications and Marketing.
      3. A conference occurs between:
        1. Chief of Police;
        2. Executive Director of Campus and Public Safety;
        3. Vice President for Communications and Marketing;
        4. General Counsel;
        5. Dean of Students; and
        6. Other Subject-Matter Experts (SMEs) as needed.
    2. Decision is made whether to send a notification or not.
      1. If yes:
        1. Determination of type of notification urgent message or informational message;
        2. Determination of speed of delivery (quick acting or additional);
        3. Determination of content of message;
        4. Notification tool or tools are chosen based on the discussion above and;
        5. A member of Campus and Public Safety or Communication and Marketing is delegated to activate notification tool or tools
      2. If no:
        1. The decision is documented.
      Table of Notification Tools

      Situation/Tools Quick Acting Additional
      Urgent Send Word Now
      Classroom Projection Override
      Emergency Homepage
      Carillon System
      Local Radio Stations
      Area TV Stations
      Digital Signs
      Voicemail System
      Informational UD Homepage
      Crime Alert Emails
      PO Box Group Email System
      Send Word Now (Email Only)
      Variable Message Boards
      Digital Signs
      Voicemail System
      Safety Alert Postings

      List of Available University Notification Tools



      1. Sent Word Now (Text, Voice, and Email Messaging System)
      2. Classroom Projection Override
      3. Emergency Homepage Override
      4. Facebook/Twitter
      5. Carillon
      6. Local and Area Media (Radio, TV, and News)
      7. Digital Signs
      8. UD Homepage
      9. Crime Alerts
      10. PO Box Group Email System
      11. Voicemail System
      12. Safety Alert Postings