Information Technologies

Voice and Cellular Regulations

Section: Information Technology Policies
Policy Name: Voice and Cellular Regulations
Policy Owner: Executive Vice President
Responsible University Office: Information Technologies
Origination Date: October 1, 1981
Revisions: June 5, 1989; July 1, 2005; October 17, 2008; June 17, 2009; December 2022
Legacy Policy Number: 2-14
  1. SCOPE OF POLICYThis policy applies to all University departments and employees.
    1. “Analog Telephony” is a telecommunications line that a traditional telephone, fax machine or alarm panel can connect to for service.
    2. “Cellular Devices and Services” are devices and services subscribing to a commercial carrier’s wireless network voice and data plan.
    3. “Enhanced 911” (E911) is the accurate location or street address information associated with a user’s telephone, cellular device or voice application, that is relayed to a PSAP when 911 is dialed.
    4. “Point of Contact” (POC) is the designated unit employee that has the authority to approve and order voice services.
    5. “PSAP” is a Public Safety Answering Point or the call center that handles all emergency 911 calls within an individual state.
    6. “Security standards” are the requirements for achieving risk management objectives and compliance with laws, regulations, and policies.
    7. “Unit” means a University department, school, institute, program, office, initiative, center, or other operating unit.
    8. “Telecommunications” are the owned or leased lines and services that provide a transmission medium for telephone calls.
    9. “Voice Services” are the telephones, applications, or other tools used to allow users to make and receive phone calls or faxes.
    1. This policy establishes responsibility to manage, order and consume all voice, cellular and related telecommunication systems in accordance with current device, application and security standards and procedures set forth in this policy. The confidentiality, integrity, and availability of University information must be maintained and protected to support the University’s missions and to comply with laws, regulations, and contractual obligations.
    2. All end users must comply with the E911 location requirements mandated by this policy to ensure compliance with federal laws.
    1. Requests for all telecommunications/voice services must be for University business purposes only and must be ordered through IT-NIS/Telephone Services by e-mailing or submitting a service request: A unit should have at least one point of contact (POC) to submit requests and report issues.
    2. Users are required to set their E911 location within the communications application each time their working location changes. E911 location data is essential for 911 calls to be accurately routed in the event of an emergency and is mandated by federal law.
    3. Cellular devices and service plans may be ordered through the unit’s POC. It is the responsibility of the unit to notify Telephone Services of any POC changes/updates. If the unit does not currently have a POC and needs to establish cellular service, contact Telephone Services by e-mailing or submitting a service request: .
    4. Units are responsible for reviewing their monthly telephone billing statement to verify the accuracy of the charges.  Telephone Services should be notified of any billing discrepancies.
      1. For billing issues and/or questions related to monthly telephone billing statements, contact Telephone Services.
      2. For billing issues and/or questions related to cellular accounts, the unit’s POC should contact the carrier directly. Cellular telephones are billed directly from the carrier to the unit.
    5. Requests for any analog telephony services must be submitted to Telephone Services by e-mailing or submitting a service request:
    6. The use of telecommunication services and equipment must also be in compliance with the following policies:
      1. Policy for Responsible Computing at the University of Delaware, Policy 1-14
      2. Employee’s Use of E-Communication, Policy 1-19
    7. Rates for voice services are set to recover the costs of those services