Posts by Nancy O'Laughlin

A new site for ePortfolio Resources and Research

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin

The University of DE participated in a three-year collaboration with 23 other institutions culminating in a new site for ePortfolio resources and research, the Catalyst for Learning site. I hope you will take some time to look at this new resource. I am particularly excited to share the work UD did in this project, especially… Continue reading

Employers show more interest in ePortfolios

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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Students who are investing time in preparing a presentation-style career ePortfolio are wondering, “Are employers really going to look at my ePortfolio?” From what I have read and seen, this seems to vary from discipline to discipline. There is a real need for more data in this area. I thought I would share the findings… Continue reading

Relevance of ePortfolios today

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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A recent post on the EmergingEdTech site, “Are ePortfolios Still Relevant for Today’s Students?” stated that “ePortfolios Never Went Away—They Just Became Standard Practice.” Included in this post are suggestions for content that should be included in an academic portfolio as well as a career portfolio. Also, the post makes several suggestions for how to… Continue reading

Adding your LinkedIn™ profile to your ePortfolio

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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If you have created a public profile on the LinkedIn™ Web site, you might want to consider linking to it from within your ePortfolio. There are four basic steps: Either create your own image or use the LinkedIn™ logo in your site. Upload the image where you want it to appear in your site. Go to… Continue reading