“Shakespeare Restor’d” Original Production

In place of a banquet on Friday evening, conference participants will be treated to a performance of “Shakespeare Restor’d,” scenes from 18th-Century adaptations of Shakespeare. This is an original show produced by UD’s professional theater company, the Resident Ensemble Players (REP), and the Department of English to be held at Bayard Sharp Hall. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. sharp, and will feature comparisons between Romeo and Juliet and Otway’s Caius MariusThe Tempest and Dryden’s The TempestRichard III and Cibber’s Richard IIIMacbeth and Davenant’s MacbethKing Lear and Tate’s King Lear.

Located on the corner of Delaware Avenue and South Main Street (just one block south of the historic Deer Park Tavern), the antebellum-era Church will offer an intimate theatrical experience for conference attendees. A dress rehearsal on Thursday and additional performance on Saturday are open to the public and will begin at 7:30 p.m.

Brandywine Attractions

We want to encourage everyone to take advantage of Delaware’s historical and cultural sites on the Sunday (9 November) following the conference.

The options listed below are within 30 minutes of campus and many offer free or discount admission on Sundays.

Take a walking tour of historic Old New Castle. Situated on the Delaware River 20 minutes east of Newark, New Castle features dozens of restaurants, shops, and historic buildings.

Sunday is free admission day at the Delaware Art Museum, located about five minutes off I-95 on Wilmington’s historic Kentmere Parkway. View their collection of early American art, including Raphaelle Peale’s famous Absalom Jones. For directions and more information, click here.

Saunter through Longwood Gardens and catch one of its two annual fall events, Autumn Colors and the Chrysanthemum Festival. Groups of 15 or more are eligible for a group discount. For directions and parking information, click here.

Visit the Delaware Antiques Show at the Chase Center on the Wilmington Riverfront. Sponsored by Winterthur Museum and Gardens, the show features antiques dealers from across the U.S. Click here for directions. Hours are from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

View the Historic Homes of Odessa. Hours are from 1:00-4:30pm on Sunday. Stop in early for lunch at the historic Caldwell Tavern. Tours are roughly 90 minutes and include home from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. For directions and an interactive map Odessa, click here.

Do some Delaware-related research at the Delaware Historical Society, located on Market Street in downtown Wilmington. For directions and parking, click here.

The Brandywine River Museum has one of the region’s finest collections of Wyeth Family art. Free admission on Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to noon. For directions, hours, and admission rates, click here.

Although we will be visiting Winterthur on the first day of the conference, we encourage you to return for a  tour of the grounds.

For more information, visit TheBrandywine.com