June 21, 2024. Tony Hollenback successfully defended his PhD dissertation on ‘High resolution studies on the degradation and isotope effects of inositol phosphates in soils’.  Congratulations Tony! 

June 3, 2024. Undergraduate students Chanelle Rahbany (U Florida), Jasmine Lee (Boston College), and Lauren Sorrentino (U Delaware) joined EBL as summer interns under UD Unique Strength, SOURCE, and Envision scholarships.

May 26, 2024. Tony Hollenback was hooded for the doctoral degree in University graduation ceremony.

May 3-9. Dr. Jaisi delivered three invited talks in Nepal Geological Society, Central Department of Geology, and Nepal Academy of Science and Technology in Nepal. 

Jaisi Nov 27, 2023. Dr. Jaisi gave keynote talk in the Organic Phosphorus Workshop in Pucon, Chile. 

Sep 25, 2023. Collaborative research grant on method development on the fate of PFAS in the environment is recommended for funding from US Department of Energy.

Jul 24-Aug 3, 2023. Dr. Jaisi gave keynote talk in Advanced Material Chemistry conference in Osaka and visited Hiroshima University. 

Jul 15, 2023. Dr. Yuriy Sakhno joined Asymchem Boston Corporation as a senior scientist. Wish you a success in your next endeavor, Yuriy! 

Jul 13, 2023. Spencer Moller successfully defended PhD dissertation. A mega congratulations! EBL lab wishes you to be successful in your next endeavor at Yale University. 

Jun 1, 2023. Dr. Katelyn Gray joined Johns Hopkins University as endowed fellowship. Wish you a success in your next endeavor, Katelyn!

May 28, 2023. EBL and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Morocco collaboratively organized a workshop on ‘Avanced Fertilizers and Plant Nutrition’. The workshop was attended by 40+ audience from US and abroad. 

Mar 27, 2023. Spencer Moller is selected to receive the Benton Award, the highest award for graduating PhD students in the CANR college. A big congratulation, Spencer!

Mar 25, 2023. Youness Sedki joined the EBL team as a visiting student from Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Morocco. Welcome to EBL lab, Youness!

Feb 10, 2023. Spencer Moller is awarded with an endowed fellowship at Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture for his postdoctoral research.  A mega congratulation, Spencer!

Jan 13, 2023. US House Representative Tom Carper and team of US Army Corps of Engineers (USCE) visited UD and Environmental Isotope Lab. UDaily published a news article about new Water Resource Development Act and UD’s opportunity to potential partnership with Army Corps of Engineers. Tony Hollenback and Katelyn Gray were featured in the lab visit.

Jan 1, 2023. Scholarly input of EBL lab in 2022 for the record: 7 peer reviewed publications, one book chapter, 2 keynote talks 10 invited talks (2 of them were for postdoctoral associate and graduate student), and 7 presentations in professional society meetings and conferences.

Dec 22, 2022. Orbitrap Exploris instrument successfully arrived in the isotope lab. This is a major upgrade in research infrastructure for molecular and isotope tracking.

Fall 2023. Two collaborative research grants (engineering biochar and calcium phosphate composite) recommended for funding from USDA NIFA.

May 5, 2022. Jaisi Lab organized an International workshop on Biogeochemical drivers and nutrient cycling in coastal soils and waters at University of Delaware, Newark, DE. The workshop included 15 invited talks from experts in various biogeochemistry area from USA, Chile and Japan and was attended by 38 participants. 

May 2022. Prof. Milko Jorquera and Dr. Jacquelinne Acuna (La Frontera University, Chile) visited EBL lab for joint meeting in collaborative research projects.  

Apr- May 2022. Profs. Fumito Murayama and Atsushi Teramoto (Hiroshima University)  visited EBL lab. Complementary research on microbiome informatics for expression of phytate enzymes by soil microorganisms. 

Apr 13, 2022. Spencer Moller was one of the organizers of the DENIN graduate symposium. Sarah Tuoni and Christy Adegaye presented their works in the symposium. 

Mar -May 2022. Drs. Marco Campos and Ingacio Rilling (La Frontera University, Chile) joined EBL lab as visiting scholars and visiting scholars and completed EBL lab research on phytate degradation through gene expression research.

Feb 28- Mar 5, 2022. Tony Hollenback and Jaisi presented research phytate at Microbial Ecology Workshop at La Frontera University, Temuco, Chile. 

Nov 7-10, 2021. Spencer Moller presented talks on the ‘Role of temperature on the degradation of glyphosate by Mn-oxide’ at ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, UT. 

Oct 18, 2021. ACS Agricultural Science and Technology (2021) published a cover page on ‘Lattice parameters change due to incorporation of Na and K in apatite’. Impressive work, Yuriy!

Oct 7-10, 2021. Deb Jaisi delivered a talk on ‘Agricultural runoff of phosphorus in coastal water’ at the XII International Agriculture Symposium (AGROSYM 2021). Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Sept 1, 2021.  Christy Adegaye joined the EBL lab as a graduate student. Welcome, Christy!

Aug 23-25, 2021. Deb Jaisi was awarded Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM).  Dr. Jaisi delivered a Fellow Keynote talk at the European Advanced Material Congress, Stockholm, Sweden.

Aug 22-26, 2021. Dr. Yuriy Sakhno and Spencer Moller presented talks on the ‘Proton incorporation in apatite’ and ‘Hydrolysis of ATP’ at the ACS Fall meeting in Atlanta, GA. 

Jul 23, 2021. Gulcin Unal-Tosun successfully defended her dissertation on the ‘Recovery of phosphorus from animal waste and synthesis into hydroxyapatite nanoparticles’. A big congratulation Dr. Unal-Tosun; the fourth EBL Ph.D. flag bearer!  Best of luck on your next career at UIUC!

Jul 8, 2021. Jess Anton successfully defended her MS thesis on the ‘Identification of phosphorus sources in the East Creek using isotope signatures of residual phosphorus pools. She is now a scientist in PFAS Solution, DE! Well done, Jess!  

Jul 4-9, 2021. Dr. Katelyn Gray and Deb Jaisi presented talks on the ‘Salinity-induced pathways of nutrient cycling’ and ‘Degradation of glyphosate in soil and water’ in the Goldschmidt 2020 (virtual) meeting.

Jun 11, 2021.  Himal Acharya joined the EBL lab as a graduate student. Welcome, Himal!

Nov 9-13, 2020. Zhaohua Jiang and Tony Hollenback gave oral and poster presentations of their research outcomes in the ASA-CSSA-SSSA virtual Meeting. Titles of their talks were ‘ Biological cycling of phosphorus in river estuary: A case study in Jiulong River estuary in China using phosphorus speciation and stable isotopes’ and ‘Characterizing the enzymatic degradation pathway of scyllo-inositol hexaskisphosphate’ respectively.

Nov 9, 2020. Megan Musser successfully defended her MS thesis on ‘Phosphorus source tracking, bioavailability, and cycling in the Murderkill River, Delaware‘. A big congratulation, Meg!. She is now a scientist at Brightfields Inc in Wilmington, DE.

Oct 7, 2020. Spencer Moller received a Wharry Fellowship. This fellowship is named after its donors Samuel R. Wharry Jr. ’64 and Winifred Lyons Wharry ’64 in support of the DENIN Environmental Fellows Program at UD. Congratulations, Spencer!

Jul 22, 2020. Spencer Moller successfully completed Ph.D. qualifying exam. Congratulations, Spencer!

Jun 25, 2020. Ted Li successfully defended his dissertation on ‘Characterization of phosphorus sources and bioavailability at different hydrodynamic gradients in coastal environments’. A big congratulation Dr. Li; the third EBL Ph.D. flag bearer! He is a postdoctoral associate at the University of Wisconsin.  

Jun 21-26, 2020. Meg Musser and Tony Hollenback presented their research in Goldschmidt 2020 (virtual) meeting.

Jun 21-26, 2020. Katelyn Gray organized a session ‘Linking nutrient cycling and redox conditions across space and time’ in Goldschmidt 2020 (virtual) meeting. 

May 15, 2020. Spencer Moller received a highly competitive fellowship “2020-21 DENIN Environmental Fellows” from Delaware Environmental Institute (DENIN). Congratulations! 

Apr 15, 2020. Dr. Katelyn Gray received the prestigious USDA postdoctoral fellowship. The first federal grant for you, Katelyn, Congratulations!

Mar 15, 2020. Gulcin Tosun is the recipient of the UD Graduate College Award (Doctoral Fellowship) for 2020-2021. Congratulations!

Mar 4-7, 2020. Dr. Yuriy Sakno presented an invited talk on his research on the synthesis and characterization of apatite in the PanNano 2020 meeting, in Sao Paolo, Brazil.

Dec 13, 2019. Spencer Moller received a “2020 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Future Leaders in Science Award” for research and advocacy to bring science to Capitol Hill in Congressional visits Day in 2020.

Nov 2019.  Xiaolu Li (Huazhong Ag University) and Zhaohua Jiang (Xiamen University) joined the EBL lab as visiting students. Welcome, Xiaolu and Zhaohua!

Nov 10-13, 2019. Qiang (Ted) Li, Gulcin Unal-Tosun, Jess Anton, and Spencer Moller gave oral and poster presentations of their research outcomes at ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meeting in San Antonio, TX. Jaisi organized a session on “Coupling and Feedbacks of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in Soil and Ecosystems: Missing Gaps and Future Directions” with Ganga Hettiarachchi (KSU), Xionghan Feng (HZAU, China), and Shenqiang Wang (CAS, China).

Oct 23, 2019. Gulcin Unal-Tosun received a Professional Development Award from the UD Graduate College to present her research in the upcoming SSSA meeting in Nov 2019.

Oct 2, 2019. Gulcin Unal-Tosun successfully completed Ph.D. qualifying exam. Congratulations, Gulcin!

Sep 19, 2019. Jaisi accepted the visiting professorship from Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China.

Sep 15-19, 2019. On Sept 16, Jaisi gave a keynote talk on ‘Nutrient use efficiency: Current challenges and future promise of controlled release fertilizers’ at the International Conference on Agricultural and Food Technology in Bangkok, Thailand. On Sept 17, 2019, Jaisi gave an invited seminar talk on ‘Developing isotope methods for tracing nutrient sources in waters‘ at the Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand.

Sep 10-11, 2019. Spencer Moller and Frank Linam (UD graduate student) attended 2019 Geoscience Congressional Visits Day in Capitol Hill to raise awareness and support for science and research funding. They met DE, CA, and VA representatives and senators on agriculture and environmental science policies. See details of the visit in a UDaily news article.

Sep 4, 2019. Jessica Anton successfully completed the M.S. degree qualifying exam. Congratulations, Jess!

Sep 1, 2019. Dr. Katelyn Grey joined the EBL team as a postdoctoral associate. Welcome, Katelyn!

Aug 22, 2019. Megan Musser successfully completed M.S. qualifying exam. Congratulations, Meg!

Aug 1, 2019. Dr. Mingjing Sun joined Emporia State University, KS as a tenure-track assistant professor. Wish you very best at ESU!

Aug 1, 2019. Tony Holleback joined the team as the graduate student funded under the Unique Strength CANR Fellowship. Welcome, Tony!

Jul 12, 2019. Jaisi gave a keynote talk on ‘Linking phosphate oxygen isotope effects to phosphorus cycling, from molecular to ecosystem scales‘ in Isotopes 2019 meeting in Raitenhaslach, Germany, July 7 – 12, 2019.

May 30, 2019. Qiang (Ted) Li successfully completed Ph.D. qualifying exam. Congratulations, Ted!

May 14, 2019. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk on ‘Sources, transformation and cycling of phosphorus in Zhangjing estuary in China‘ at Xiamen University, China.

May 10, 2019. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk on ‘Sources and pathways of phosphorus cycling in the Chesapeake Bay: Results from isotopes, EXAFS, NMR and Mossbauer methods‘ in State Key Lab of Environmental Geochemistry, China.

May 5-9, 2019. Dr. Jaisi attended ICOBTE Conference in Nanjing, China and gave a talk on ‘Search of advanced analytical methods on phosphorus cycling in soils and waters’. The 15th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Nanjing China, May 5-9, 2019.

May 6, 2017. Taylor Moore, Spencer Moller, Gulcin Tosun, and Qiang (Ted) Li attended Thermo LCMS Users’ meeting at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.

Apr 29-30, 2019. Taylor Moore, Spencer Moller, Mingjing Sun, and Jaisi attended a project meeting with the research teams of Ludmilla Aristilde and April Gu at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Apr 5, 2019. Gulcin Unal-Tosun, Mingjing Sun, and Jaisi attended the Phosphorus Forum meeting in Washington DC.

Feb 4, 2019. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk on ‘Linking sources and transformation of phosphorus at the soil-water continuum in a coastal estuarine environment‘ in the Stockbridge School of Agriculture at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.

Jan 6-9, 2019. Dr. Jaisi organized a session on ‘Soil P processes: From the molecular to the field scale with Ben Brunner (UTEP), Elizabeth Hausrath (UNLV), Lixin Jin (UTEP), Andrew Margenot (UIUC), John Regan (PenState), James Kubicki (UTEP) and give a volunteered talk on Sources and pathways of formation of recalcitrant and residual phosphorus in an agricultural soil’, San Diego, Jan 6-9, 2019.

Jan 3-5, 2019. Qiang (Ted) Li received a travel grant and attended the ‘Workshop on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry’ offered by NSF-supported SIMS facility in Arizona State University, Tuscan, AZ.

Dec 8-10, 2018. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk to ‘Enzymatic hydrolysis of organic phosphorus on matrices: Variability among enzyme and enzyme stability‘ in the international meeting entitled Advances in Environmental Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology, Pucon, Chile.

Nov 30, 2018. Dr. Mingjing Sun presented her research on “Phytate degradation and transformation: Linking agriculture and the environment” in the PLSC departmental seminar series.

Oct 26, 2018. UniDel
grant awarded to Dr. Jaisi’s team of UD faculty to establish a centralized core isotope facility in the university.

Oct 24, 2018. Spencer Moller and Dr. Jaisi attended Thermo LCMS Users’ meeting in New York, NY.

Oct 14-18. Four research presentations were made in the Agro-Environmental Conference in Nanjing China. The presenters were Ted Li (current graduate student), Dr. Hezhong Yuan (past visiting scholar) and Dr. Yu Wang (past visiting scholar) and Dr. Jaisi (keynote/invited speaker).

Sep 14, 2018. UD’s team received a major EPSCoR award on the “Water Security in Delaware’s Changing Coastal Environment” from NSF. EBL lab has arguably a high proportion of research in three threats (T2, T3 and T4) of this project. 

Aug  26, 2018. Dr. Guanglong Liu, associate professor at Huazhong A. University, China joined as a short-term visiting scholar at EBL laboratory.

Jul 23, 2018. An invited presentation of polyphosphate and wastewater phosphorus removal was made at the annual meeting of the American Society of Nepalese Engineers (ASNEngr) in Denver, CO. The presentation included scientific findings from a recent graduate, Yuge Bai.

Jul 15, 2018. Dr. Yuriy Sakhno
joins the EBL team as a postdoctoral associate. Welcome, Yuriy!

Jul 1, 2018.  The Register~Herald published a news article on WVU researcher’s method can stop nutrient runoff could help create an industry in the Mountain State. The news centers around the current collaborative research among Univesity of West Virginia, Univesity of Hawaii, Ohio State Univesity, and the University of Delaware funded by USDA Sungrant.

Jul 15, 2018. Hui Li successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation entitled “Degradation of glyphosate by Mn-oxides: Mechanisms, pathways and source tracking. Impactful research from the second EBL flag bearer, Dr. Li– we all are very proud of your accomplishments! We wish you the very best in your postdoctoral research at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst!

Summer, 2018. Four new graduate students (Spence Moller, Megan Musser, Jessica Anton, and Taylor Moore) joined the EBL lab. Welcome you all and look forward to your productive and rewarding time at UD.

May 26, 2018. UD Commencement: Hui Li (Ph.D. degree) rolled in on the commencement ceremony! A very proud moment for the EBL team!

May 9, 2018. USDA Climate Hub published news on our collaborative research with Dr. Gulni Ozbay at Delaware State University. The news title was: Small but mighty: Oyster aquaculture as a tool to improve water quality

Mar 18-22, 2018. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk to 255th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans.  The talk title was ‘Linking sources and transformation of phosphorus at the soil-water continuum in a coastal estuarine environment’.

Dec 25, 2017. Opening for three graduate students and two postdoctoral associate positions. The graduate degree projects are i) Source tracking of phosphorus in a watershed, ii) Residual and recalcitrant phosphorus in the soil, and iii) Degradation and source tracking of glyphosate in the environment. The postdoctoral projects are i) Fate of phytate and other inositol phosphates in the environment and ii) Recapturing of lost phosphorus in agricultural wastes.  Please contact Dr. Jaisi (jaisi@udel.edu) for further information.

Dec 18-20, 2017. Dr. Jaisi gave two invited talks on i) ‘Linking sources and transformation of phosphorus in the soil-water continuum, and ii) phytate degradation: An enigmatic source of phosphorus for downstream water quality’ at Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China.

Dec 5, 2017.  Drs. Jaisi and Adam Wallace (Geological Sciences) received a  grant award from USDA NIFA BNRE program on “Tracking glyphosate and its degradation products in the environment and biasing degradation towards less harmful products.

Nov 29, 2017.  Drs. Jaisi and Yan Jin (Plant and Soil Sciences) received a grant from USDA NIFA Nanotechnology program on “Towards global phosphorus security: Development of a novel nanofertilizer using phosphorus recovered from agricultural wastes”. This research will undertake synthesis, characterization, and field testing of nanofertilizer for phosphorus release.

Nov 23, 2017. Dr. Hezhong Yuan successfully completed his visiting scholar tenure and returned back to his home institution in China. All the best for your successful future career, Hezhong!

Oct 22-25, 2017. EBL organized sessions and presented at the 2017 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting in Tampa, FL. Dr. Jaisi organized two sessions: 1. Approaching Peak Phosphorus and Seeking Alternatives: Linking Reuse, Speciation, and Availability (with James Ippolito from Colorado State University), and 2: Soil Enzymes: Methods of Analyses and Mechanisms (with Andrew Margenot from University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign and Sanjai Parikh from UC-Davis). Three oral presentations were given by Dr. Mingjing Sun (Enzyme Specificity for the Degradation of Phytate: Isotope As a Proxy for Tracking Active Enzyme in the Environment), Qiang Li (Seasonal Variation and Potential Sources of Particulate Phosphorus in the Susquehanna River in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed) and Gulcin Tosun (Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Phosphorus Nanofertilizer Extracted from Agricultural Wastes).

Sep 14, 2017. Dr. Jaisi received an NSF fellowship. This fellowship was highlighted in the press release from the National Science Foundation, and from the University of Delaware through UDaily news. This fellowship entitled “Microscale processes controlling speciation and transformation of phosphorus in soils”  will allow developing novel methods of measuring isotopes in soils through visiting California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.

Jul 21, 2017. Dr. Jaisi received a collaborative NSF award with Dr. Ludmilla Aristilde at Cornell University on “Supramolecular recognition in the biocatalytic transformation of organic phosphorus-containing environmental matrices”‘. This project will undertake mechanistic and modeling research on the degradation of selected major organic P compounds in the environment.

Jul 14, 2017. Dr. Jaisi gave a presentation on ‘The sources and cycling of phosphorus in an agricultural runoff dominated watershed‘ in Isotopes 2017 conference in Locarno, Switzerland.

Jun 28, 2017. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk at the Third International Conference on Water Resources and Environment (WRE2017) in Qingdao, China.

Jun 21, 2017. Dr. Jaisi gave a keynote talk at  The 29th Xiangshan Forum: Biogeochemistry of Coastal Wetland Ecosystems at Xiamen University, China.

May 22, 2017.  Hamed Arfania joins the EBL team as a visiting Ph.D. student from Urmia University in Iran. Welcome, Hamed!

May 16, 2017. Dr. Jaisi promoted to associate professor with tenure.

Apr 2-6, 2017. Hui Li and Gulcin Tosun gave oral presentations of their research on glyphosate and polyphosphate at the 253rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Francisco, CA.

Mar 24, 2017. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk on ‘Transformation, cycling, and loss of phosphorus from agricultural soils: Results from 18O labeling and natural abundance isotope studies” in the Department of Biosystem Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.

Feb 1, 2017. Ruifang Hu joined the EBL team as a graduate student. Welcome, Ruifang! Looking forward to your breakthrough research on phytate founded on your strong chemistry background!

Jan 24, 2017. Dr. Jaisi’s NSF CAREER award news is published in UDaily: “UD’s Jaisi wins NSF CAREER Award for research on sources, the fate of phytate in soils.

Dec 16, 2016. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk on ‘Source tracking of phosphorus in a coastal estuary to the Chesapeake Bay” in the Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Control (DNREC), Dover, DE.

Dec 16, 2016. Dr. Jaisi received a  new USDA NIFA grant (with Dr. Donald Sparks). This research aims to better understand the sources, chemical forms, and stability of recalcitrant and residual phosphorus pools in agricultural soils.

Dec 15, 2016. Dr. Jaisi is awarded a new USDA Sun Grant (with Drs. Kaushalendra Singh (PI), Samir Khanal (co-PI), and Ajay Shah (co-PI) onNovel bio-chars production from northeastern forestry feedstocks and their land application to enhance the environmental sustainability of agricultural production systems“.

Nov 12, 2016. Dr. Jaisi received the National Science Foundation CAREER grant on the ‘Fate of inositol phosphates in soils“. This research will address the current conundrum on accumulation vs degradation of phytate, formation/transformation of stereoisomers, and degradation of various inositol phosphates in soils and waters.   

Nov 11, 2016. Dr. Hezhong Yuan joined the EBL as a visiting scholar. Hezhong is an assistant professor at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China· Welcome Dr. Yuan; looking forward to your productive academic experience at UD!

Nov 6-9, 2016. Dr. Jaisi attended the CSA-CSSA-SSSA meeting in Phoenix, AZ to give a talk on ‘Distinct pathways of phosphorus cycling in the upstream and downstream sections of a creek in an agricultural runoff dominated watershed‘.

Oct 10, 2016. Dr. Yu Wang joined the EBL as the ‘first’ visiting scholar. She is an assistant professor at the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing· Welcome Dr. Wang!

Sep 5-9, 2016. Dr. Jaisi gave a talk on ‘Phytate degradation by different phosphatase enzymes: Contrasting kinetics, isomer compositions, decay rates, pathways, and isotope compositions‘ at Organic Phosphorus Workshop in English Lakes, UK.

Aug 21-25, 2016. Dr. Jaisi presented an invited talk to the American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall Meeting in Philadelphia. The talk title was “Mechanisms and pathways of phytate degradation: Application of NMR, HPIC, and stable isotopes to track products, pathways, and isotope effects”. This abstract was chosen for a Sci-Mix presentation, an entire ACS meeting-wide event.

Jul 22, 2016. Yuge Bai successfully defended her MS thesis on the ‘Synthesis and degradation of polyphosphate: Scaling-up of molecular reactions to understand phosphorus removal in wastewater treatment plants’. Intriguing findings in a new field of research for the EBL team- well done! All the best for your Ph.D. research at the University of Tubingen under Dr. Andreas Kappler!

Jul 11, 2016. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk on the ‘Transformation, cycling, and loss of phosphorus from agricultural soils: Results from 18O labeling and natural abundance isotope studies’ at Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China.

Jul 11, 2016. Ha Vu started her first job as the QC and R&D Chemist at UFloor System Inc in Dover. All the best for a successful career at UFloor!

Jul 8, 2016. An invited presentation on the ‘Sources and pathways of phosphorus cycling in the Chesapeake Bay: Results from isotopes, EXAFS, NMR, and Mossbauer analyses’ was given by Dr. Jaisi at the Institute of Soil Science (ISSAS), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China.

Jul 8, 2016. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited presentation on the ‘Impact of agricultural runoff on the fate and pathway of phosphorus cycling in a coastal estuary’ at the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology (NIGLAS), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China.

Jul 7, 2016. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited presentation onO-18 stable isotope geochemistry: A means of differentiating biologically mediated and abiotic reactions in extant and extinct environments’ at Nanjing University, Nanjing, China.

Jul 6, 2016. An invited presentation on the ‘Sources and new pathway of phosphorus cycling in the Chesapeake Bay: An evidence from phosphate isotope ratios’ was given by Dr. Jaisi at Xiamen University, Xiamen, China.

Jul 4, 2016. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited presentation on ‘Phosphate oxygen isotopes: A tracer for phosphorus cycling in agricultural soils’ at the Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences Xiamen, China.

Jul 1, 2016. Fatemeh Izaditame joined the EBL as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Fatemeh! Looking forward to your future research at EBL!

Jun 28, 2016. Dr. Jaisi presented a research talk on ‘Fate of particulate phosphorus in river estuaries in the Chesapeake Bay’ in Goldschmidt 2016 Conference in Yokohama, Japan.

Jun 15, 2016. Sunendra Joshi successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation entitled ‘Biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus in the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed: Insights from phosphate oxygen isotope ratios”. Impactful research from the EBL flag bearer, Dr. Joshi! Good luck with your postdoctoral research under Dr. David McNear at the University of Kentucky!

Jun 1, 2016. Tristum Williams joined EBL as an EPSCoR summer intern. EBL welcomes you!

Jun 1, 2016. Gulcin Unal Tosun joined the EBL team as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Gulcin! Looking forward to your research on nano mineral!

May 27, 2016. UD Commencement: Sunendra Joshi (Ph.D. degree); Kristi Bear (MS degree), Yuge Bai (MS degree), and Ha Vu (BS degree) rolled in on the commencement ceremony! A very proud moment for the EBL team!

May 20, 2016. Kristi Bear successfully defended her thesis on Tracking sources of particulate phosphorus in river waters: A case study in East Creek, a Chesapeake Bay watershed. Well done and well-received thesis research! Congratulations! All the best in your career at the USDA NRCS!

Mar 30, 2016. Ha Vu‘s P NMR research on wastewater polyphosphate published in the March newsletter of the Delaware Water Resource Center  Congratulations, Ha– you are an outstanding undergrad!

Mar 29, 2016. Hui Li received ‘2016 Graduate Fellow Award’ from the University of Delaware’s Office of Graduate and Professional Education. Congratulations, Hui!

Mar 22, 2016. UDaily published a new article on the “Degradation and source tracking of glyphosate“, one of the most common commercial herbicides used for agricultural and urban applications. This news has been posted by ‘Science DailyUniversity of Western Brittany Newsfeed, Phys.Org news, Science Newsline, Irish Toxicology Society, Radio Astronomy news, CNRS-France, among many others.

Mar 15, 2016. CSA News Magazine published a ‘society science’ news article on “Does Phytate Loading Stimulate Phytate-mineralizing Bacteria“. This news summarizes the unconventional relationship found among phytate, phytate mineralizing bacteria (PMBs), and β-propeller phytase (BPP) genes along an estuarine gradient in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (Stout et al., SSSAJ, 2016, 80, 84-96).

Dec 10-15, 2015. Dr. Jaisi chaired a session in 2015 AGU Fall Meeting ‘New Insights on Nutrient Sources and Biogeochemical Processes in Surface Waters as Revealed by Advanced Techniques and In Situ Optical Sensors’ (with John Saraceno and James Shanley from USGS, and Gurpal Toor from U Florida).

Dec 10-15, 2015. EBL team presented two talks in 2015 AGU Fall Meeting entitled i) Remineralization vs reductive dissolution pathway of phosphorus cycling: A case study in the Chesapeake Bay, and ii) Effects of low-molecular-weight organic acids on the dissolution of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles in batch and column systems: A perspective from phosphate oxygen isotope fractionation.

Nov 23, 2015. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk on the ‘Isotope effect of nutrient cycling in nutrient-enriched ecosystem’ at the Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 

Nov 15-18, 2015. Dr. Jaisi chaired two sessions in 2015 ASA-CSA-SSSA meeting: i) Tracking Legacy Phosphorus in Lakes and Rivers (co-chaired with Satish Gupta and Carl Rosen from U Minnesota), and ii) Environmental Fate of Chemicals of Emerging Concern (co-chaired with Robert Lerch from USDA-ARS and Gurpal Toor from U Florida).

Nov 15-18, 2015. Five (5) research presentations were made in the 2015 ASA-CSA-SSSA meeting in Minneapolis by EBL teams. It included presentations by Jiying Li, Sunendra Joshi, and Kristi Bear in Tracking Legacy Phosphorus in Lakes and Rivers and Deb Jaisi and Hui Li in Environmental Fate of Chemicals of Emerging Concernsessions. Details of the talks and recorded presentations are included in the links.

Nov 1-4, 2015. Four (4) research presentations were made in the Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting in Baltimore by EBL teams in the session Mechanistic Insights into the Biogeochemical Processes Controlling Phosphorus Transport and Cycling. Details of the talks by the EBL team members and recorded presentations are included in the link.

Sep 7, 2015. EBL lab hit double-digit publications in 2015. Congratulations EBL authors for being persuasive and productive researchers!

Sep 2, 2015. How about nano-fertilizer? UDaily published news on the promise of nanofertilizer on slow P release, conditioning soil pH, and less P loss to the environment. This news is based on the recent ES&T paper by Denjung (Kevin) Wang that shows the limited mobility of these nanoparticles in the saturated media.

Sep 1, 2015. Multi-nuclei NMR results aimed at investigating internal cycling of phosphorus in the water column in the Chesapeake Bay is selected as the ‘showcase project‘ among 2015 user projects in the User Executive Committee Meeting in the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.

Aug 29, 2015. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited presentation on the ‘Unexpected pathway of phosphorus cycling in the Chesapeake Bay: Challenges and opportunities’ to 8th ASNEngr/CAN-USA Joint Annual Conference in North Brunswick, NJ.

Aug 16-21, 2015. Three presentations (two oral and one poster) were made in the Goldschmidt 2015 conference in Prague, Czech Republic. One of them was an ‘invited‘ presentation on the Mechanisms and pathways of glyphosate degradation.

Aug 5, 2015. Qiang (Ted) Li joined the team as a PhD student. Welcome, Ted!

Jul 28-29, 2015. Dr. Jaisi presented research updates on two USDA NIFA grants to the USDA PD meeting in Greensboro, NC.

Jul 17, 2015. CSA News published a news article onMobilization of Phosphorus from Creek Sediments“. This news highlights the relative importance and variability of various physicochemical and biological parameters on the retention and mobilization of phosphorus from creek sediments. Scientific results are based on our recent publication (Upreti et al. 2015, SSSAJ, 79, 826–837).

Jun 15, 2015. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNL), published a news article on Coastal Contamination: Phosphorus recycling in estuary dead zone. This news is based on our recent findings on the remineralization pathway of P cycling in the Chesapeake Bay.

May 19, 2015. ES&T featured ‘Remineralization pathway of P cycling on the cover page of (volume 49:10). Congratulations, Sunendra! Way to go!

May 10, 2015. Nirmal Dhakal and Camy Denny (EPSCoR Intern) joined EBL lab as the summer interns. Welcome you both!

Apr 27, 2015. Ha Vu awarded with the 2015-16 DWRC (Delaware Water Resource Center) Internship, a highly competitive scholarship for water resource-related research for University of Delaware’s undergraduate students. 

Mar 21-27, 2015. Dr. Jaisi  and Kristi Bear attended ACS Spring Meeting in Boulder, CO. Two presentations were made on Chesapeake Bay P sources and cycling and the recalcitrant P pools in the session honoring Dr. Donald Sparks for his Geochemistry Medal.

Feb 17, 2013. UDaily published news on “ UD-led study suggests a new pathway for phosphorous cycling in the Chesapeake Bay” highlighting the ‘remobilization’ pathway of phosphorus cycling in the Bay. This news has been picked up by many local and regional newspapers, radio news, and professional organization webpages.

Feb 15, 2015. Avula Balakrishna (Bala) joined the lab as a postdoctoral associate. Welcome, Bala! His research will focus on the synthesis and degradation of selected organophosphorus compounds and modification of functional groups in selected compounds.

Feb 6, 2015. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk on ” Nutrient sources and the Chesapeake Bay water quality issues” at the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Vermont, VT. 

Jan 30, 2015. Drs. Jaisi, Jiying Li, and Sunendra Joshi attended “The State of the Science of Phosphorus Symposium” at Wye Mills, MD.  It included a series of talks on phosphorus transport, soil dynamics, legacies, modeling, and its impact on water quality.

Jan 29, 2015. A landmark paper on organic matter remineralization pathway of phosphorus cycling in the Chesapeake Bay just accepted for publication in the ES&T. Well done for this high quality and impactful research, Sunendra!

Jan 15, 2015. Mingjing Sun joined the lab as a postdoctoral associate. Welcome, Mingjing! Her research will focus on phytate degradation and the pathway of degradation using a series of advanced research tools including HPLC, 31P NMR, and IRMS.

Nov 2-7, 2014. Dr. Jaisi along with Dr. Xionghan Feng and Dr. Donald Sparks chaired a session entitled “Advanced Molecular Techniques Characterizing Soil Biogeochemical Processes“. It included 23 oral presentations and 11 poster presentations, among which 5 were given by prominent scientists in the field as ‘invited’ and ‘keynote’ speakers.

Nov 2-7, 2014. Sunendra Joshi and Hui Li gave oral presentations of their research on ‘sources and cycling of phosphorus in rivers’ and ‘isotope effect of sorption and desorption to Fe- and Mn-oxides’, respectively on the SSSA Meeting in Long Beach, CA.

Oct 30, 2014. Dr. Jaisi and Dr. Jin are awarded a new research grant from USDA. This research will investigate the fate of particulate and colloidal P in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Oct 28-29, 2014. Dr. Jaisi attended USDA NIWQP and NIFA program PD meeting in Washington DC. He gave oral and poster presentations related to the progress made on AFRI grants.

Oct 17, 2014. Ha Vu awarded with the 2014-2015 DENIN Environmental Scholarship, a highly competitive scholarship for University of Delaware’s finest undergraduate students.

Oct 16, 2014. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk entitledRemineralization of phosphorus from organic matter:  A predominant pathway of phosphorus cycling in the Chesapeake Bay” at the Department of Geological Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

Sep 26, 2014. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk entitled “Scaling up of molecular reactions to ecosystem processes: A case study of Chesapeake Bay” at the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

Sep 24, 2014. Dr. Jaisi gave invited talks entitled” Hypoxia driven change in the phosphorus cycling in the Chesapeake Bay: Exploring sources of phosphorus sustaining dead zone and refueling eutrophication” at the Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University-Newark, NJ.

Aug 15, 2014. Yuge Bai joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome, Yuge!

Aug 10, 2014. Dr. Jiying Li joined the lab as a postdoctoral associate. Jiying completed her PhD degree from the University of Minnesota. Her research will include sediment P flux in the Chesapeake Bay. Welcome, Jiying!

Aug 4, 2014. Jiangqi Wu successfully defended her MS thesis research on inositol phosphate. Well done research, Jiangqi! All the best in your future career in China!

Jun 15-July 4, 2014. Dr. Jaisi gave invited talks at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea; Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China; Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal; and Nepal Geological Society, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Jun 25, 2014. Dr. Dengjun (Kevin) Wang joined the lab as a postdoctoral associate. Kevin completed his PhD degree from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China. His research will investigate the fate of environmental nanoparticles including apatite in sand and soil columns. Welcome, Kevin!

Jun 10, 2014. Dr. Jaisi gave an oral presentation on phosphorus transformation in agricultural soils in the 20th World Soil Congress, Jeju, South Korea.

Jun 9, 2014. Sunendra Joshi presented his poster in on ‘Phosphate oxygen isotope ratios  as a tracer for biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus in Chesapeake Bay sediments’ in 2014 Goldschmidt conference in Sacramento, CA.

Jun  10, 2014. Two summer interns joined the lab: Ha Vu, an EPSCoR intern, and Saswat Risal, a high school student. EBL welcomes you both!

May 31,  2014. Awet Negusse graduated. Vice President Joe Biden delivered the keynote address on the 165th Commencement.  Congratulations, Awet!

May 27,  2014. Kristi Bear joined as a graduate student in the lab. She will undertake research on legacy phosphorus. Welcome Kristi!

May 19-21, 2014. Dr. Jaisi along with Dr. Qiaoun Huang (Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China) organized a session in Clay Mineral Society Annual Meeting in College Station, TX. He gave a talk on “Microbial Cycling of phosphorus at the mineral-water interface”.  Dr. Jaisi also served as the chair of the student award committee that handled evaluation of all students’ oral and poster presentations.

May 6, 2014. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk on ‘Sources and biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus in the Chesapeake Bay watershed’ at Delaware Nutrient Commission meeting, in the Delaware Department of Agriculture, Dover, DE.

Apr 13, 2014. Dr. Lisa Stout‘s paper on “Microbial activities and phosphorus cycling: an application of oxygen isotope ratios in phosphate” accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Congratulations, Lisa!

Mar 26, 2014. Dr. Jaisi appointed as the associate editor of Clays and Clay Minerals (ccm.geoscienceworld.org).

Mar 20, 2014. EBL is awarded a new research grant by soybean boards from Delaware and Maryland. This research will continue research on sources and cycling of P in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Jan 29, 2014. Dr. Jaisi gave a talk on ‘Sources and biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus in the Chesapeake Bay watershed’ at the University of Minnesota Department of  Soil, Water and Climate.

Jan 20, 2014. EBL wet chemistry laboratory moved to a Worrilow 208.

Dec 4, 2013. Dr. Jaisi, Dr. Lisa Stout, and Sunendra Joshi attended a symposium on ‘Monitoring the Results of Investments in Water Quality Improvements:  Are we moving the needle?” in Dover, DE.

Oct 28, 2013. Prajwal Paudel joined the lab as a research assistant. He completed his undergraduate degree in Chemistry from the University of Alabama in 2013. Welcome, Prajwal!

Oct 21-24, 2013. Dr. Jaisi attended AGU Chapman conference on ‘Soil-mediated Drivers of Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrological Processes Across Scales’ in Tucson, AZ.

Oct 19, 2013. Sunendra Joshi is selected as the recipient of the Donald L. and Joy G. Sparks Graduate Fellowship Award. Well deserved honor- congratulations, Sunendra!!

Aug 16, 2013EBL has opening for a postdoctoral research associate and a graduate student on P cycling in watershed. Please contact Dr. Jaisi for this position.

Aug 15, 2013.  Hui Li joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome, Hui!

Jul 25, 2013. Dr. Jaisi is awarded a research grant from USDA. This research will investigate P cycling and release from a watershed.

Jun 28, 2013. Kiran Upreti successfully defended her MS thesis and completed her degree. Congratulations, Kiran!

Jun 1, 2013. Awet Negusse and Thanh Nguyen joined the lab as summer interns.  Awet is an organic chemistry major at UD and Thanh is a microbiology major at Delaware Technical and Community College (DTCC). Welcome you both!

May 31,  2013. EBL lab bade Dr. Xiaona Li a warm farewell for her move to a new career at Montclair University, NJ. You will be missed, but all the best, Xiaona.

May 21,  2013. Dr. Jaisi is awarded the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS-PRF) ‘New Investigator’ grant on biologically catalyzed mineral transformation reaction.

May 7,  2013. Delmarva Farmers newspaper (American Farm Publications Ltd.) published news on the importance of P source tracking in the Chesapeake Bay. Read the news here.

May 1, 2013. Dr. Sitindra Dirghangi joined the EBL lab as a postdoctoral research associate. He just completed his defense from  Yale University.  Welcome, Sitindra!

Apr 7, 2013. Dr. Jaisi gave a talk on the ‘application of stable isotopes to study phosphorus biogeochemistry’ in the 245th ACS National Meeting held in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Feb 27, 2013. UDaily news articleisotope fingerprints: Jaisi laboratory tracks chemicals in water, farmland throughout Mid-Atlantic” highlighted the major research projects related to phosphorus source tracking in the EBL laboratory.

Nov 30, 2012. Kiran Upreti gave a talk on ‘Mobilization of phosphorus from river sediments in the Chesapeake Bay watershed’ in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences.

Nov 15, 2012EBL has an opening for a postdoctoral research associate on P cycling and transport in rivers. Please contact Dr. Jaisi for this position.

Oct 26, 2012. EBL is awarded a research grant from soybean boards from Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania. This research will focus on sources and cycling of P in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Oct 22-24, 2012. Dr. Jaisi, Sunendra Joshi, and Kiran Upreti attended Soil Science Society Meeting in Cincinnati, OH. Talk and poster presentations by EBL members were well received by many soil scientists and other members of the society.

Oct 18, 2012 – “Inside Delaware” published EBL research as Sustaining Our Region: Chesapeake Bay Conservation- Tracing Phosphorus Pollution. This newsletter is mailed to 7,000 donors and prospective donors.

Sep 6, 2012. Installation of isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS). Thermo Delta V mass spectrometer along with Thermochemical Elemental Analyzer (TC/EA), Elemental Analyzer (EA), and Gasbench (GB) was installed and calibrated. A three-week-long exhaustive process of calibration was successfully completed on Sept 6. The EBL lab now has the capability to measure a series of isotopes (H, C, N, S, and O of H2O, PO4, SO4, NO3, CO3).

September 1, 2012. Dr. Xiaona Li joined the EBL lab as a postdoctoral research associate. She graduated from Stony Brook University and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Rutgers before joining UD. Welcome, Xiaona!

Aug 20, 2012. Jiangqi Wu joined the group as a graduate student. Welcome, Jiangqi!

Aug 2, 2012. Kiran Upreti successfully defended her MS thesis proposal. Congratulations, Kiran!

Jun 25-29, 2012. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk entitled ‘Biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus in soils and sediments’ at ISOPHOS 2012 conference in Switzerland.

Jun 12, 2012. UDaily published a news article about UDRF grant awardees this year.

Jun 4, 2012 – Delaware First Media news published a news article about the Chesapeake Bay dead zone featuring research in Jaisi Lab.

May 11, 2012. Dr. Jaisi is awarded with a UDRF (University of Delaware Research Foundation) grant. This research will focus on the variation of terrestrial P sources entering the Chesapeake Bay.

May 9, 2012. UDaily  published the news about research scope of the Powe Award.

Apr 6, 2012. Dr. Jaisi is awarded the Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award from Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). This research seeks to identify P source and their mixing in the Chesapeake Bay.

Mar 21, 2012. Dr. Jaisi gave a talk on “Environmental Biogeochemistry Research on Phosphorus Cycling” in the DENIN External Advisory Board meeting in Newark, DE.

Mar 12-15, 2012 – Dr. Jaisi attended the USGS Cape Cod Toxics meeting and gave a talk entitled “Phosphorus cycling in the Cape Cod aquifer: Insights from oxygen isotopes in phosphate” in Boulder, CO.

Feb 1, 2012. Dr. Jaisi and Dr. Sparks are awarded with a seed grant from Delaware EPSCoR. This research will focus on P cycling in the Chesapeake Bay.

Jan 10, 2012. Dr. Jaisi is awarded with a research grant from USDA. This research will investigate P cycling in agricultural soils.

Jan 5, 2011. EBL has an opening for a postdoctoral research associate to work on research projects related to plant uptake and interspecies transfer of phosphorus in agricultural soils. Please contact Jaisi for this position.

Nov 25, 2011. EBL is looking for a motivated graduate student (MS or PhD). Please contact Jaisi for this position.

Nov 15, 2011. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk to the Marine Science and Policy Department at UD Lewes entitled: Sources and cycling of phosphorus in marine environments: insights from oxygen isotopes in phosphate.

Nov 10, 2011. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk to Geological Sciences Department at UD entitled: Phosphorus cycling in the Cape Cod aquifer, MA: Insights from oxygen isotope ratios in phosphate.

Aug 24, 2011. Dr. Jaisi gave an invited talk to Rhizosphere workshop entitled: Abiotic and biotic pathways of nutrient cycling’ at UD.

Jun 2011. Dr. Jaisi’s paper on the “biological transformation of smectite into illite” just published in Clays and Clay Minerals. This paper is featured on the journal cover page. It shows an SEM image of various mineral phases produced as a result of Fe(III) reduction and the formation of illite.

Jun 2011. Dr. Jaisi’s paper on “biological and abiotic cycling of P in mineral-water interface” just published in Environmental Science & Technology.

Jul 12, 2011. EBL welcomed Kiran Upreti as a MS student. She graduated from the Asian Institute of Technology in 2010.

Jun 8, 2011. UDaily news about Dr. Jaisi joining the department.

May 17, 2011. Sunendra Joshi became the first student of the EBL lab. Sunendra graduated from Kurukshetra University in 2008.

Apr, 2011. Order of isotope mass spectrometer was placed. Appreciation goes to the PLSC department and the CANR college providing funding to purchase mega equipment in the startup budget.

Jan 1, 2011. Environmental Biogeochemistry Laboratory (EBL) formally kicked off on day 1 when Dr. Jaisi joined the Department of Plant and Soil Science at the University of Delaware.