- Ph.D. Mathematics, University of Wisconsin – Madison, 1975
Thesis: “Disjoint Circles: The Classification of Translation Planes in Terms of Sets of Disjoint Circles in Finite Miquelian Inversive Planes”
Advisor: R. H. Bruck - M.A. Mathematics, University of Wisconsin – Madison, 1971
- B.S. Mathematics, University of Wisconsin – Madison, 1969
- Emeritus Professor, Mathematical Sciences Department, University of Delaware, 2011-present
- Professor, Mathematical Sciences Department, University of Delaware, 1987-2011
- Visiting Professor, Adelaide University, Spring 2005
- Visiting Professor, Auburn University, 1990-1991
- Associate Professor, University of Delaware, 1981-1987
- Visiting Professor, University of Western Ontario (Canada), 1983-1984
- Assistant Professor, University of Delaware, 1977-1981
- Visiting Lecturer, Texas Tech University, 1975-1977
- Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin – Madison, 1970-1975
- Mathematical Programmer, Chevrolet Engineering Center, Warren, MI, 1969-1970
- Unitals in Projective PlanesĀ , S. Barwick and G. Ebert
Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer, New York. - Discrete MathematicsĀ , R.D. Baker and G.L. Ebert
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, IA
Some Invited Addresses
- “A Survey on Unitals”
Discrete Math Days
Fort Collins, Colorado, May, 2012 - “Subplane Structure of Finite Projective Planes”
Incidence Geometry and Buildings
Ghent, Belgium, February, 2012 - “Enumeration of Buekenhout Unitals”
San Antonio, Texas, March, 2009 - “Andre Mixed Partitions”
Regional Meeting – Italian Finite Geometry Research Group
Caserta, Italy, February 2007 - “Hyperbolic Fibrations”
Combinatorics 2006
Ischia, Italy, June 2006 - “Quasimultiples of Geometric Designs”
Colloquiums at Beijing Jiaotong University and Shanghai Jaio Tong University
China, June 2005 - “Translation Ovoids of the Hermitain Surface and Related Objects”
Adelaide Workshop on Incidence Geometry
Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, February 2005
University of Western Australia Colloquium
Perth, Australia, April 2005 - “Shult Sets and Translation Ovoids of the Hermitian Surface”
Colloquiums at University of Rome, University of Naples, and University of Modena
Italy, Fall 2004 - “Higher Dimensional Circle Geometries and Subregular Translation Planes”
International Conference on Incidence Geometry
La Roche – en – Ardennes, May 2004 - “Partial Ovoids of the Hermitian Surface”
Adelaide Workshop on Incidence Geometry
Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, December 2003 - “Partial Ovoids and Spans of the Hermitian Surface”
University of Iowa Colloquium
Iowa City, Iowa, November 2003 - “Odd Order Flag-Transitive Affine Planes”
First Irsee Conference on Finite Geometries
Irsee, Germany, February 2003 - “A Gentle Introduction to Hermitian Curves and Surfaces”
Michigan Tech University Colloquium
Houghton, Michigan, January 2003 - “Flocks of a Quadratic Cone and Hyperbolic Fibrations”
Geometric and Algebraic Combinatorics II
Oisterwijk, The Netherlands, August 2002 - “Binary Codes of Buekenhout-Metz Unitals of Odd Order”
Oberwolfach Meeting on Finite Geometries
Oberwolfach, Germany, December 2001 - “Hyperbolic Fibrations and q-Clans”
Joint UC-Denver/Wyoming/Colorado State Seminar
Fort Collins, CO, October 2000 - “Baer Subgeometry Partitions”
Second Pythagorean Conference
Samos, Greece, June 1999 - “Partitioning Problems and Flag-Transitive Planes”
Combinatorics ’98
Palermo, Italy, June 1998 - “Caps, Codes, and Partitions”
Eighth Auburn Combinatorial Conference
Auburn University, Auburn, AL, March 1997 - “Buekenhout Unitals”
Combinatorics ’96 – in honour of Guisseppe Tallini
Assisi, Italy, September 1996 - “A Survey of Buekenhout-Metz Unitals”
Eighth SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, June 1996 - “Replaceable Nests”
TEDFEST ’96 – a celebration of T. G. Ostrom’s eightieth birthday
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, March 1996 - “Buekenhout-Metz Unitals”
series of 8 lectures at the Summer School on Finite Geometries
Universita degli Studi della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy, June 1996