What did we learn? I mean,… What did we really learn? This, ladies and gentlemen, is an important question. Let me go first. I learned many things during the last year. I learned that I absolutely, positively cannot have Scoops in my pantry. I learned that wearing sweatpants with a shirt and tie was surprisingly… Continue Reading Hide the Scoops and Other Pandemic Revelations
Tag: principal
I Don’t Have Students Anymore, and Other False Assumptions
When you become an administrator, you are no longer a teacher. That seems incontrovertible. No students coming to you to build a personal connection…no students coming to you to share their triumphs and tribulations,..no students to ask for your years of wisdom to learn something new and exciting. That sounds terrible. I mean,…who is going… Continue Reading I Don’t Have Students Anymore, and Other False Assumptions