End of Season Thoughts | Izzy DeFrancesco

In the fall of 2018, I decided to do something completely out of my comfort zone and join the sailing team. Considering the fact that I had never sailed a day in my life, let alone ever been on a sailboat, I wasn’t surprised by my friends shocked reactions when I told them I had joined. In the spring of 2018, I went on a UDaB trip, and somehow by the end of it, Shelly (my site leader) had convinced me that I must join the team. As much as I wanted to, I was so afraid initially. I’m not the type of person who handles new situations well, so joining a sport that I had zero experience with and zero friends on was something extremely difficult to do for myself. However, I pushed myself to step out of my comfort zone because I knew the benefits would be so worth it. What I didn’t know at the time was how much joining this team would impact my semester, my self-confidence, and even my life.

I won’t lie, the first practice was definitely overwhelming. Being thrown into a situation where everyone seems to be fluent in sailing terms and skills, I realized how much learning I had to do. But as confused as I was, I somehow still felt comfortable, because everyone who was at that practice was more than willing to not only include me but teach me the basics of what I needed to know.

And it happened just like that. Within a few weeks I found myself practically running to sailing practices. The fear had completely vanished, and I was beyond excited to get on the water to put everything I was learning into work. Each practice was filled with nothing but growth. I’ll never forget the first time I ever roll-tacked, skippered, capsized, or skied the halyard (not my fondest memory). I remember after capsizing for the first time, I popped up out of the water and asked, “That’s it?” You know the first time you ever ride a rollercoaster and before you get on your filled with nothing but fear, but the second you step off the ride all you want to do is get on again? That was me with sailing. Every chance I had to try something I had never done before, like capsize or sail in high wind, started as scary but ended with sheer satisfaction.

One of my biggest takeaways from sailing so far is the amount of quality friendships that I have been able to build. It’s been said that sailing is “the land of misfit toys,” and I am proud to call myself a member of this team. Had it not been for the conversations I’ve had with people in the middle of the bay or in the car driving to practice, I don’t think I would’ve returned to practice week after week. Sailing has given me the chance to bond, and laugh, to make mistakes, and to grow with people that I would probably never cross paths with otherwise.

This team has slowly become a part of my identity. Now that the season is over, my Wednesdays are a lot more boring. This past semester has taught me the importance of taking risks because sometimes being afraid of something is a clear indicator to go after of it. I will be eagerly waiting for spring to roll around, so I can return back to the Yacht Club with people who understand both the serenity and thrill of sailing.

Izzy DeFrancesco