Poultry Session – Afternoon

Monday, January 13, 2025
1:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Exhibit Hall 

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12:00 to 1:00
Buildings Open – Visit with Exhibitors

The Nutrient Management Program Team will have a booth set up in the Dover Building. If you have questions about or would like to have them look over your record-keeping materials and Annual Report, please bring them with you, and they will be glad to review them with you.

Moderator: Georgie Cartanza, Extension Poultry Agent, University of Delaware

Welcome, Brief Update HPAI
Georgie Cartanza, Extension Poultry Agent, University of Delaware

1:05 – 1:50 
Economics of Biosecurity
Jordan Shockley, Associate Extension Professor, University of Kentucky 

1:50 – 2:35 
Risk Management: Generators and Backup Systems on the Poultry Farm
Dennis Brothers, Associate Extension Professor, Auburn University

2:35 – 2:50
New County Tax Assessments: How will you be impacted and what can you do?
Chris Keeler, Sussex County Director, Board of Assessment

2:50 – 3:10
Break / Visit with Exhibitors

Moderator: Dr. Jon Moyle, Extension Poultry Specialist, University of Maryland

3:10 – 3:25
Energize Delaware: Energy Audits and Resources
Drew Slater, Executive Director, Energize Delaware

3:25 – 3:55
Radiant Tube Heaters Care and Replacement
Trevor Houston, National Sales Manager Space-Ray

3:55 – 4:15
Legislative Update
Grayson Middleton, Government Affairs Manager, Delmarva Chicken Association

4:15 – 4:30
EPA Update
Chris Brosch, Nutrient Management Program Administrator, Delaware Department of Agriculture

4:30 – 4:45
Environmental Stewardship Award
Chris Brosch, Nutrient Management Program Administrator, Delaware Department of Agriculture

4:45 to 6:00 
Dinner / Visit with Exhibitors



Credits for this Session:

DE Pesticide Certification Credits:  0
MD Pesticide Certification Credits:  0
DE Nutrient Management Credits:  3.75
MD Nutrient Management Credits: 2.00
Certified Crop Advisor Credits: NM:0.50, SSp: 1.00