Wind 2050 in Denmark

Task Co-Lead for Wind2050 in Denmark (2014-15). Led team of engineers on defining the scope of wind energy case studies that focused on citizen responses to and involvement with wind projects, including the test site Østerild and Danish Near Shore projects on the west coast. This resulted in bilingual surveys, interviews, and several workshops and publications on how to address public acceptability of land-based projects & near shore wind in Denmark.


Public Engagement in Danish Nearshore Wind Projects in Law and Practice
by B. Ram, H.T. Anker, N-E. Clausen and T.R.L. Nielsen

Public acceptance of wind farm development: Developer practices and review of Scientific literature
by Tom Cronin, Bonnie Ram, Jim Gannon, Niels-Erik Clausen, Christian Thuesen, Esmir Maslesa, Melanie Krey and Joana Gerald