I. Required 1st Year Policy Courses: (2 required 3-credit seminars)

ENEP 625 Energy Policy & Administration
ENEP 810 Political Economy of the Environment

II. Methods Requirement: (6 credits of methodology course work are selected from the following list of three-credit courses)

Courses satisfying the Methodology Requirement include:

ECON 801 Microeconomic Theory
ECON 802 Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 803 Applied Econometrics
ENEP 660 Engineering Economic Analysis for Sustainable Energy
ENWC 615 Wildlife Research Techniques
FREC 682 Spatial Analysis of Natural Resources
FREC 666 Special Problem: GIS in Natural Resources Management
GEOG 670 Geographic Information Systems and Science Policy Analysis
GEOG 671 Advanced Geographic Information Systems
MAST 663 Decision Tools for Policy Analysis
MAST 672 Applied Policy Analysis
MAST 681 Remote Sensing of Environment
ORES 601 Survey Operations Research I
ORES 602 Survey Operations Research II
ORES 603 Simulation Modeling & Analysis
POSC 815 Intro to Stat Analysis for POSC
POSC 816 Advanced Social Research
SOCI 605 Data Collection and Analysis
UAPP 801 Processes of Social Inquiry
UAPP 691 Quantitative Analysis in the Public and Non-profit Sectors
UAPP 816 Advanced Social Statistics

III. Social Science Requirement: (6 credits of social science course work are selected from the following list of three-credit courses)

Courses satisfying the Social Science Requirement include:

ENEP 626 Climate Change: Science, Policy and Political Economy
ENEP 802 Electricity Policy and Planning
ENEP 824 Sustainable Energy Policy and Planning
ENEP 666 Special Problem: Topics in Energy Policy
ENEP 666 Special Problem: Topics in Political Economy of Energy & Environment
ENEP 666 Special Problem: Topics in Sustainable Development
ENEP 666 Special Problem: Comparative Environmental Politics
ENEP 868 Research: Environmental Justice Issues
ENEP 868 Research: Political Economy of Energy & Environment
ENEP 868 Research: Sustainable Development Issues
ENEP 868 Research: Sustainable Energy Policy
ENEP 868 Research: Sustainable Water Policy
ENEP 870 Readings: Climate Change Politics and Policy
ENEP 870 Readings: Eco-feminism
ENEP 870 Readings: Energy Economics
ENEP 870 Readings: Energy and Gender
ENEP 870 Readings: Energy Policy
ENEP 870 Readings: Environmental Ethics
ENEP 870 Readings: Environmental Justice
ENEP 870 Readings: Political Economy of Energy & Environment
ENEP 870 Readings: Postmodernism and Environmentalism
ENEP 870 Readings: Sustainable Development
ENEP 870 Readings: Sustainable Energy Options
ENEP 870 Readings: Sustainable Water Options

ECON 862 Topics in Industrial Organization and Regulation
GEOG 622 Resources, Development and the Environment
MAST670 U.S. Ocean and Costal Policy
MAST/ECON 675 Economics of Natural Resources
MAST/ECON 676 Environmental Economics
MAST 677 International Ocean & Environmental Policy
SOCI 671 Disasters, Vulnerability and Development
POSC 656 Politics and Disaster
POSC/SOCI 866 Special Problem: Issues in Disaster Research
POSC/ENEP 868 Research: Environmental Policy
POSC/ENEP 870 Readings: Environmental Policy
SOCI 671 Disasters, Vulnerability and Development
UAPP 611 Regional Watershed Management
UAPP/GEOG 628 Issues in Land Use and Environmental Planning

Note: Not all courses on the above list are offered annually.

IV. Science, Engineering and Public Policy Requirement (3 credits)

Students complete the science, engineering and public policy requirement by choosing a three-credit graduate course (including tutorial courses with a number such as 666, 868 or 870) in a natural science or engineering related topic to meet the science, engineering and public policy requirement. The course must be taken with a member of the University’s science or engineering faculty and should be linked to the student’s research interest. Examples include (but are not limited to):

BISC 631 Practice of Science
BISC 637 Population Ecology
BREG 666 Special Problem: Science & Engineering Aspects of Agricultural Systems
BREG 666 Special Problem: Science & Engineering Aspects of Water Systems
CIEG 632 Chemical Aspects: Environmental Engineering
CIEG 636 Biological Aspects: Environmental Engineering
CIEG 654 Urban Transportation Planning
ELEG 620 Solar Electric Systems: Engineering and Science Aspects
ELEG 628 Solar Energy Technology and Applications
MAST 606 Ocean & Atmosphere Remote Sensing

V. Concentration or Specialization Requirement (9 or 12 credits depending on whether an individual selects an Analytical Paper or Master’s Thesis to complete the degree)*

Courses not taken from the list under Section III. above can be used to build a concentration/specialization. Coursework other than offerings listed in Section III. can be included with the approval of the student’s advisor.

VI. Thesis / Analytical Paper Requirement (6 or 3 credits)

Each student must complete a 6-credit thesis or 3-credit analytical paper that demonstrates independent critical analysis.

The analytical paper is prepared under the supervision of the student’s faculty advisor, with the additional advice of one other faculty or professional reader (selected by agreement of the student and the advisor). Three credits of Analytical Paper work (ENEP 872) are taken. The faculty advisor and reader conduct a defense of the analytical paper and decide the final grade. The analytical paper focuses on a specific policy issue and is based on independent research by the student. When this option is selected, an additional 3 credits of coursework are required in the concentration/specialization.

For those selecting the thesis option, six credits of Master’s Thesis (ENEP 869) are taken. The thesis is supervised by a committee of three faculty chaired by the student’s faculty advisor. The thesis must meet standards of scholarship and research expected for those receiving a master’s degree in the field.

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