Established in 1980 at the University of Delaware, the Center is a leading institution for interdisciplinary education, research, and advocacy in energy and environmental policy. CEEP has been granted official observer status to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and in that capacity, regularly submits position papers on strategies to address humanity’s climate challenge.

From its inception, CEEP has operated a research and advocacy program that is undertaken at international, regional, national, state, and local scales. Typically, CEEP faculty and graduate students accept 15-20 projects each year. Often conducted with partners, the yearly program varies by topic (ranging from climate change to urban environmental justice to water equity and sustainable energy development) and includes several sponsors (e.g., foundations, governments and UN organizations). In certain cases, CEEP chooses to internally support projects of interest to its members.

In 1993, CEEP was asked to develop a University-wide program for graduate study and research in energy and environmental policy and to expand its mission to formally include the topics of environmental justice and sustainable development. In 1997, CEEP created the first graduate Energy and Environmental Policy (ENEP) degrees in the U.S. The University of Delaware granted permanent status to the ENEP graduate degrees in 2003. In 2010, CEEP was asked to develop a University-wide program for undergraduate study and research in energy and environmental policy and to expand its mission to formally include the topics of environmental justice and sustainable development. In 2015, the University of Delaware granted permenent status to the undergraduate degree.

Today, graduate and undergraduate study of Energy and Environmental Policy is supported by the Center. Topics include climate action planning, environmental justice, sustainable development, renewable energy and energy conservation, and polycentric energy and environmental policy. Center’s Research teams address issues at global, national and local levels. Annually, over 30 students from more than 12 countries study and pursue research at the Center, together with its core faculty, adjunct faculty, and visiting researchers, faculty and activists from around the world.


CEEP research has been supported by dedicated grants, competitive contracts, internal funds and other sources. Provided by foundations and charitable institutions, U.S. state and federal government agencies, international agencies, NGOs, and in partnership arrangements with other institutions, research support is employed to address both theoretical and policy-relevant issues in order to widen public discourse and action on the key interrelated energy, environmental and social issues of our time. Our research activities often take advantage of collaborative research, study and exchange agreements that have been established with more than 50 partner institutions around the world.

The Center is composed of an internationally diverse faculty and research staff with backgrounds in a variety of disciplines including economics, sociology, geography, political science, philosophy, engineering, urban planning and environmental studies. Currently, it has eight core faculty and research staff and seven adjunct faculty. Typically, there are 3-6 visiting scholars in residence at CEEP, drawn from universities, research institutes, and NGOs.


CEEP’s student researchers are likewise a diverse cultural and intellectual community. Placing a premium on critical thinking and analysis, researchers at CEEP are addressing a wide spectrum of issues from climate change to energy transformation, environmental justice, indigenous rights, sustainable development and water equity. CEEP provides students with a range of opportunities to follow their own research interests within several degree programs. Upon graduate, CEEP students researchers gain jobs in research centers, government agencies and institutions, NGOs, consultancies, and universities and centers of learning around the world, undertaking leadership roles, policy formulation, research and analysis, project management, advising, teaching, and a range of other activities.

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  1. Hello, I’m Park Se-young, who attends Seoul National University in South Korea.

    I am e-mailing you to see if I can work RA at the institute during the winter vacation.

    If I can work at your research institute, I will receive support from Seoul National University SAP (Study Abroad Program), so it is okay not to provide salary or residential facilities.

    If you have anything I need to know about, such as how to apply to the institute or the necessary documents, I would appreciate it.

  2. Hello,

    I hope this finds you well. I am Stephen Incoom, an admitted student from Ghana.

    I am reaching out to inquire the possibility of research assistantship or any employment opportunity available for me as an international student at this time.

    Any information on this will be greatly appreciated.
    I am willing to provide any additional material to aid in the process.

    Thank you very much. I hope to hear from you soon.


  3. Greetings,
    I trust my email will reach you well. I am a Ghanaian citizen who have been offered admission to study Masters of Energy and environmental policy. I’m writing to enquirer about a research assistantship in your center.
    I am dedicated and committed to contributing to your research, and I would be grateful for any opportunity from your center to enable be pursue my studies.
    Thank You.

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