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Location: DBI 102

Minutes by Wenbo

Time: 3-4pm

Participants: Kelly, Priscilla, Wenbo cream event: free ice cream and firework on July 4th movie at main street 5 movie theater on Saturday

3.BiSA web design and BiSA calender build

Build a independent Bisa Google calendar that we can notify everyone by Bisa-news
Edit the Bisa Google Group that we can see different events category
Start to work design our BiSA web. Everyone can give suggestions and work for it.

Location:DBI 102

Minutes by Wenbo

Time: 3- 4pm

Participants: Kelly, Juniper, Priscilla, Wenbo


Discussing about original food which we can take
Deciding the time to shop the food and other stuffs for Picnic
Shopping time:4pm, june 13, WednesdayShopping location:Shoprite700 Plaza Drive, Newark, DE
Share and poster our picnic activity link for inviting more people coming.

Minutes by Danielle

Location: DBI 201

Time: 2-3pm

1. BiSA officer nominations are in and Priscilla is emailing all of the nominees to ask if they accept the nomination. They should accept or decline by Monday at the latest and then the election will start.

2. We’re having another happy hour at Stone Balloon after the last seminar on May 14th.

3. We’re planning a BBQ at Kell’s Park on May 24th at about 3pm with all food provided, maybe a raffle, and kickball.

Minutes by Danielle

Location: DBI 201

Time: 2-3pm

Prelim Prep
Email professors of core classes about core competencies for prelims. CC Karen on the email for a little extra clout.
Make a BiSA gmail account for tutoring (, Bi0informatics)
Maintain a Google Sheet on tutor information & students’ use of tutoring services

Board members will act as point people to connect tutors and students
Still working on a rule list for how tutoring should work (this can be a locked Google Doc that can be shared will all tutors and students)
Share tutoring email with program professors and Karen so they can point students to us when they need help
Ice Skating
February 24th, 8pm-10pm
Other notes:

BiSA cannot be a registered student organization because that would preclude graduate students from serving on the board.
We should still discuss the co-working idea and journal club idea from the previous meeting.